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The handler watched out of the corner of his eye, as the soldier strode through the airport in civilian clothing, her eyes fixed ahead as she walked. She was really beautiful, her body lean and lushious. He smirked to himself, wondering how obedient she really was. He had to take her to the base in DC, but he'd still be the one to watch over her. He chuckled to himself, he would certainly enjoy his job.


Dr Ellis watched the soldier strip off, but he noticed how her handler was staring at her, as if she was prey to be devoured. He would make a note of the man's behaviour and inform the General. He knew that no one was to touch the soldier, especially after what had happened a few years ago. He sighed, shaking his head in disappointment, this would be another life wasted because her handle can't keep it in his pants. Dr Ellis would report for the soldier to have a new handler, preferably one that has respect for her, and actually values their life.

Солдат, пожалуйста, ложись
(Soldier please lie down)

The doctor gestured to the bed set up in his lab. Though she had been checked in Russia, she still needed to be assessed before beginning her mission. She may be under their control, but even those of high standing in Hydra had respect and morals.

It didn't take long, before he had finished checking her over, finding that she was still clean. Pulling off his gloves, he nodded to his assistant, who drew the curtains around her so she could get dressed again. Walking past the handler, and dropping his gloves in the bin... 'She is not to be touched. I will recommend that you be removed from your position..'

The other man scoffed, folding his arms... 'I ain't touched her, not yet. I just picked her up from the airport. She's my pet, so she will do as she's told..'.. Dr Ellis watched as the man's eyes looked over to the curtain, and he walked over to his desk.

'The last man who tried to have his way with her, had his penis severed from his body, by her..'.. He looked through his drawer... 'She ripped him apart with her own teeth, while he had her hands bound behind her back. The man bled out, screaming and she took her standing position again, as though nothing had happened..'

'Yeah? Well from what we've heard she can't open her mouth, shame really..'.. He chuckled, as the assistant opened the curtain and the soldier stood, at ease, eyes dead blank.

The doctor found what he was looking for and looked over at the man... 'She is important to us. No one touches our weapon..'.. He aimed at the man's head and shot him, the body crumpling to the floor... 'Please inform the guards, and I shall speak to the General. Our soldier needs a new handler..'.. He dropped the gun in the desk, and walked over to his assistant... 'I want this out of here by the time we are back..'.. He nudges the body with his foot.

солдат следуй за мной
(Soldier follow me)

Dr Ellis looked over his shoulder, seeing her do as she was told. Those dead eyes could make you feel as though hell would be kinder to you, than what she would do. He kept a smile on his face as he led the way, this mission had taken a long time to engineer, but it would be worth it, even knowing it would cost him his life if they ever found out.

He headed down through the base, heading towards the Generals office. When the time would come, they want to have her carry a child, one that was genetically engineered and perfect. Super soldier children raised from birth, was a project Hydra was willing to push for. They would take over the world, and he did not want that to happen. He had played his part well for the last few years, he hoped the intel he sent made it to where it was meant to go.

He glanced over to her, no one should ever go through what she has. He had joined Hydra in a bid to help change the world, not knowing the true price that was paid. He knew he would never be free, but she could be, if the intel was received, and she made it on the mission, perhaps those people could help save her, like the last soldier.


The team had worked until 2am, before they called it a night. So far they had found more pages but it was unclear as to who the subject was, it was a female. Tony felt physically ill reading some of the reports. How anyone could go through all that, and still be alive, he didn't know.

Bucky had left earlier as he couldn't take it any more. Tony didn't blame him, it was clear that these reminded him of his time in Hydra. Tony knew, that Barnes barely made it out from their hold, but what they had read, this new 'Winter' there would be nothing left of who they really were.


Clint was in the weapons training room with his bow. He needed to let off some steam, knowing that the team was on edge. He heard they went to bed late last night, and for some reason, he couldn't sleep. He had the sinking feeling in him, since they arrived back from the base yesterday, that something bad was going to happen.

He hit the target, splitting his arrow again. During training, he would use birch arrows, basic just for target practice. He decided to switch it up, and take out his gun instead. He never missed, no matter what he shot.

He had Friday move the targets around the room, keeping it on lockdown so no one could enter while he was in there. It didn't take a minute, and he hit all 20 targets, dead center.

He sighed, putting it on safety, before picking up his bow. He had the room unlocked, and Wanda came straight in to see him... 'Couldn't sleep either?..'.. She asked as she came to his side.

He shook his head, holstering his gun... 'I don't know what it is, but everyone is on edge..'.. He hooked his bow on his back... 'Something is going to happen. All this intel on a new weapon, where is it coming from? Who sent it to us? And why now?..'

Wanda shrugged... 'I don't know, but Tony might. I thought about it..'.. She frowned as they headed to the door... 'Why did Bucky only now say something about this other soldier? It's like a memory got triggered. It's just, it's all to coincidental. His memory, the Siberian base with all those notes and files..'

Clint let out a sigh... 'Glad I'm not the only one to think so. You said you saw into his mind at this soldier..'.. She nodded as they made it to the armoury... 'What did they look like?..'.. He took of his bow and quiver, placing them back on the rack, and reloading his mag for the gun, before placing it back in his locker.

'From what I could see, female. Her face was mostly covered, like the winter soldiers mask. Her hair was sort of light brown I think? But her eyes..'.. She sighed... 'Deep green eyes, that were just, so emotionless. As if there was no life there..'

Her words sent him back to his teen years, as a pair of emerald eyes sparkled in his mind. He regretted ever leaving her, splitting up when they should have stayed together. Maybe if he did, she would still be alive. Shaking his thoughts away, he switched out his bag, and headed to the main room with Wanda for dinner. He needed food, and then a shower.

Perhaps the others would want a night off too, and head into the city. He could do with releasing some tension, and he was sure there was a woman out there wanting one night of fun.


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