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Clint entered the ballroom again, his eyes scanning the crowd and he spotted her on the dancefloor with the lawyer. She looked relaxed, having fun. He looked around again, seeing Tony and Pepper over to the side talking with one of the senators. Heading over, he noted Loki and Helen dancing off to the side, shooting glances over to Mel.

'Of course Stark industries will be more than happy to assist. The relief foundation was created to help those in need..'.. Pepper said to the senator as Clint joined them.

'Ah, Mr Barton..'.. Senator Jenson shook his hand... 'Good to see more of you avengers here. I was just saying to Stark and Miss Potts, how quiet it's been. I'm sure you have all been working hard to bring peace..'

Clint looked over to Tony, seeing an irritated look in his eyes... 'We have been following every lead we have, ensuring that Hydra does not start another war. It is our duty to protect the people if this country and across the world Senator, we can only hope do the people proud..'

His answer seemed of have placated the senator, who nodded and then excused himself, to speak to someone else. Clint huffed out a breath, turning back to Tony... 'I got through to Nat, she said they'll wait a little longer then head back to the compound. How the hell did she know?..'

Tony looked over to Mel, seeing her now talking to the vice president, laughing and smiling... 'She told Loki she had eyes and ears everywhere. She must have someone in the compound telling her everything..'

'Do you think she has some sort of powers? Maybe that's how she knows..'.. Pepper said, leaning into Tony.

'Whatever it is, she's two steps ahead of us..'.. Tony sighed, watching Mel.

Mel could hear them from across the room, and she smiled over at the vice president... 'Im sure you understand sir, the benefits of this project. To have your support on it, would boost your profile in the campaign, and well as the publicity for it..'.. She saw Vice president Willis think on her words and he nodded, smiling back. He held out his hand, taking hers and placing a kiss to it.

'You have some good points Miss Bird. Please call my office and we can discuss this more. Mr Murdock..'.. He shook Matt's hand and left them to go speak with others.

'You made sure he couldn't say no..'.. Matt chuckled, placing a hand to her back.

'I simply pointed out the benefits for him is all. Come on let's get another drink..'..  She guided him back to the bar, feeling eyes on her again... 'You order for us, I just need a moment..'.. She placed his hand on the bar, and headed off to find a quiet room. She needed a few minutes to pull herself together. Seeing Barton in a suit, had her a little frustrated, he looked absolutely hot, and her mind was swirling with images of him ripping off her dress, and her shredding his suit, as they tangled into a sweaty mess.

Finding an empty office, she moved to the window, looking down onto the street. She watched the paparazzi, crowd around the front, and civilians walking about. Though, there in the shadows of the alley, across the street, she recognised a familiar face. Sighing to herself, she stepped back, turning towards the door, and froze.

'Can we talk?..'.. Barton asked her, as he leaned against the door. Aside from that, her only other exit was the window.

'I don't believe we have anything to say to each other Mr Barton. It would seem that you and your team are adamant to accuse me of being someone I'm not. I would have thought that you would have all backed off after the meeting we had yesterday, but to find out that you and the others here are a diversion for the other half to break into my office, I will have new papers drawn up for you all..'.. She walked to the door, hoping he would move out of her way to let her pass.

'You were right..'.. His words made her stop, three feet from him, and she waited to hear the rest... 'You're not Ace, not anymore..'.. She tried to calm her racing heart and control her tremors.

'I have made it very clear, I am not who you think I am Mr Barton. It would seem that every one of you is suffering with some sort of affliction that affects your memory..'.. He chuckled at her words, and folded his arms. She knew he wasn't moving and she turned back towards the window, kicking off her shoes.

'What are you doing?..'.. Clint watched her, the shoes laid haphazardly on the floor.

'Well Mr Barton, it seems you are not letting me leave, so I have no other option but to use the window..'.. She went to pull it open, and felt his arms wrap around her waist, pulling her away from it. She could feel his body pressed against her back, and she had to fight the urge to turn in his arms, and kiss him.

'You are certifiable..'.. He sighed, moving her towards the door, keeping an arm wrapped around her... 'Wait..'.. He let her go for a moment, shrugging off his jacket, and putting it over her shoulders, then bent down to pick up her shoes... 'Look, we don't hold it against you Miss Bird, whether you were Ace or not. She was hurt, badly and we understand what she's been through, we just want to make sure she's ok, and we're here to help..'

Mel was glad she was facing away from him, but hearing how compassionate he spoke, she could feel tears prickle in her eyes. Matt's words rang in her ears, they had to know. She cleared her throat and headed for the door... 'Then it's a good thing I'm not this Ace you all keep going on about. I hope you find them Mr Barton, now if you'll excuse me, I have to go..'.. She pulled his jacket off, letting it drop to the floor and slipped out the door quickly, tapping her ear piece, as she strode down the hall... 'Vee, call Matt..'

Not a few seconds later, she heard his voice... 'Im leaving ..'.. a She said bluntly.

'Mel, what's happened?..'.. He asked, and she heard him excuse himself.

'I need to have a break, so I'm going home. I'll be silent for a few days, so unless it's an absolute emergency, don't contact me..'.. She didn't care that she was barefoot, heading towards the back of the building, there was no way she was going out the front and drawing attention to herself.

'Tina and I will take care of the girls. If you need anything, call me..'.. He told her and she sighed, finding a door, that led out into the back alley. She turned right, onto the street behind.

She didn't care of the looks she was getting, striding down the street in an evening gown, she flagged down a taxi, and got in... 'Im heading back to the bar to change and then leaving. Sorry to have left you..'

'Im sure I can get home..'.. He chuckled again... 'Be safe Mel, I'll talk to you in a few days..'.. He heard the call end, and he sighed, turning back to Stark and the others. Putting his phone away, he slipped his hand inside his jacket, and pulled out the drive, holding it out... 'Just know, she will kick my ass for this, but this holds everything about her. I have one, Detective Cruz has another. There are more who also have one, that she trusts with the truth..'

Tony took it... 'Shes Ace, isn't she?..'

'In the same way Mr Barnes is the soldier. But there is more than you know. It will affect you all, especially Mr Barton and Mr Barnes. Just to warn you, there are videos on there, that are extremely graphic. I'm thankful to be blind, but hearing everything..'... Matt took a deep breath... 'Its enough to give you nightmares for the rest of your life...'

Tony sees Barton walk over, holding a pair of silver shoes in his hands... 'They don't look like they'd fit you, but if that's what you're into, I'd suggest a pair in your size..'

Clint holds them up... 'They're hers. She kicked them off, ready to climb out a window..'

'Ah, now I understand the call..'.. Matt sighed, reaching out to take the shoes... 'Mr Barton, Mr Stark has something important. There is not much I can tell you, that you won't find on there, but once you see it, I want you to remember this..'.. He turned his head to Clint... 'Shes gone home, her dream home. When you know the truth, you'll know what I mean..'.. Matt turned, and headed towards the doors to go.

Tony and the others just look at each other, and he looks down at the drive in his hand. He didn't know what was on it, and something was telling him, he didn't want to know... 'Lets get back, and fill the others in..'


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