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As Mel buttoned up her pants, she heard Vee in her ear, and she took a deep breath. Keeping control of her emotions, she put her smile back in and walked back into the living room, heading straight for her phone. Faking a pout as she looked at the message, she sighed... 'Oh shoot, we got to go. An old friend, Beatrice..'.. She looked over at him, hoping he picked up on it... 'Is in trouble, and I need to go and help. We'll just come back tomorrow, I'm off for the day, and you can take the day off too..'

She leans down, taking his hand and pulling him to his feet... 'What did Beatrice do? Run her mouth again? She needs to be careful, with the things she says, I'm sure her 'mommy' will put her straight again..'.. She saw the little smirk, and was thankful he knew.

'Come on, we'll go back to the penthouse, and I'll arrange to have movers with us tomorrow to take the larger items into storage..'.. She leads him back over to the door, and slips her feet back in her shoes and picks up her bag. Taking his hand, they head out to the car, and she opens his door for him, to get in.

She noticed the cars further up. She mentally laughed, wondering if they thought she really wouldn't notice. Getting back in the driver's side, she let out a breath and started the engine, not doing her seatbelt... 'Dont buckle in..'.. She turned to Clint... 'Do you trust me?..'.. Vee gave her another warning, and she glanced in her rearview mirror.

'Whats going on?..'.. He asked, and she shifted into gear, and out onto the street.

'Answer my question Barton, do you trust me?..'.. He could tell something was wrong, and he turned his head to look outside.

'With my life, you won't let me get hurt..'.. He said, feeling the speed pick up... 'Now you tell me what's going on..'

'Vee, how are we looking?..'.. She asked out loud to her AI.

'Three behind, two more incoming. I have gained access to the vehicles, and disabled the surveillance in Mr Murdocks apartment. They are coming Miss Melody. Would you like me to inform the others?..'.. Her AI echoed through the car.

'Send Stephen, Marc and Laylas location now. Get everyone ready and in position..'.. She shot straight through a red light and Clint felt his heart jump up into his throat.

'Vee, take over, we need to go swimming..'.. She said, and the car began to self drive. Mel shuffled in her seat, reaching into the back, and lifting up the seats, and pulling out a suit... 'Shade mode..'.. She called out, and Clint saw the windows darken around them. Once the suit was out, she climbed into the back and started stripping off, taking her nanomask and contacts out.

'What are you doing?..'.. He asked, shuffling around in his seat, watching her. The car began to take fire, and he flinched, before realising it was bulletproof.

'Giving them exactly what they want..'.. She grinned at him, and he knew she was definitely crazy.

'What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought you had a plan to stop Hydra and Fury, but you're going to hand yourself over?..'.. He really didn't understand what was going on in her head.

'Oh, they just moved things up, sooner than expected, but it's fine..'.. She brushed it off, and pulled on a pair of boots, before quickly pulling off a wig. He honestly didn't realise it was one, but there was her natural dirty blonde hair, and her green eyes, Tessa.

'The hair really fooled me..'.. He shook his head, as she climbed back into the front.

'Miss Melody, we are 60 seconds from the Washington bridge. I have relayed your messages, and they are ready..'..

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