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Clint stood at the back of the large marquee tent, Tony had up for the reception. He couldn't help but smile, seeing two of his friends finally tie the knot, it was time. He looked around, seeing all of the avengers there. Scoot was currently dancing like a child on the dance floor, while Hope shook her head at him, and Cassie looked embarrassed.

A few others were still seated, knowing they were not drunk enough for dancing, but the girls were on the floor. Pepper, Nat, Wanda, Helen and Tess. He couldn't take his eyes off her, she looked like a goddess in her floor length navy dress.

'If you stare any longer, you'll go blind..'.. Clint turned his head, seeing Murdock next to him, smiling... 'You know, you could move on, and she would be happy for you..'

'You two ever..?..'.. Clint asked, frowning.

Murdock chuckled at him, patting his back... 'If she wanted me, I'd never let her go. I'd give anything, to have someone love me, the way she loves you. But to answer your question, no. Not even a kiss..'

Clint let out a relieved breath, and looked back over to her, seeing her laugh as Steve spun her on the dance floor... 'Do you love her?..'.. Murdock asked him, and he smiled.

'I do, yeah. These past few months, we've just been friends. We go out together, train and sometimes do missions together. We've gotten to know each other all over again..'.. Clint glanced at Murdock... 'Im glad she has you..'

Matt smiled, turning his head, and holding out his free hand. Clint took it... 'She deserves to be happy, so please, be sure..'

Clint assured him he was, and Murdock went off, using his cane to guide him. Clint stuffed his hands in his pockets, hoping it was still there. After that day, when she had killed Rumlow, they found something on him, and Clint couldn't believe it survived that long. He had taken it to be cleaned, the chain fixed, hoping that she would want it back.

Taking a deep breath, he walked over to join Maria and the others sat at the table... 'So, how's your love life going?..'.. He grinned at her, and she glanced over to Nat dancing.

'Its on fire. I didn't think she actually felt the same, but she's just perfect..'.. Maria, saw Nat wink over at her, and she smiled, shaking her head.

'You two are perfect, just don't ever tell me the details, please..'... He pleaded, picking up a bottle from the middle of the table, and taking a clean glass, pouring himself a fair amount.

'Ah, you're nervous..'.. Marias eyes widened with a grin.

'I don't get nervous..'.. He huffed back, drinking his glass clear.

'I can name at least several times-..'..

'Yeah, thanks Tony, don't need to hear it..'.. Clint cuts him off and they all chuckle.

'Uh, hi everyone..'.. Clint turned, seeing her on the stage, smiling at the guests... 'I have been requested at the last second by the grooms, to sing for their first dance together, and this is one I've pulled together at the last second. Cheers dad, cheers pops, love you for this..'.. She rolled her eyes... 'It has been a long time since I have sung, and my voice may not be as it used to be, but I'll give it my best..'

She waved her hand, making a piano appear on the stage, and sat down at it, taking a deep breath. Clint was mesmerized as she began to play, and he could see she was nervous...

Time took us apart,
Our hopes and dreams on hold,
Never did I think I'd find,
The place that I'd call home,

I was lost in the shadows,
Unsure of who I should be,
I didn't know it was possible,
That you would set me free,

You are my reason,
For fighting through the pain,
You brought me back to life,
So I could live again

To hold your hand in mine,
Hear you say my name,
I know I could never find,
A love that will be the same.

You showed me how to breathe,
You showed me how to smile,
You saved me from my broken self,
And made it all worth while.

You are my reason,
For fighting through the pain,
You brought me back to life,
So I could live again

You could never know,
How much you mean to me,
To break the chains of the past,
And now I'm finally free.
Now I'm finally free...

She slowed her pace on the keys, bringing it to an end. He could see her wipe her eyes, and take a breath, not realising that people were clapping and cheering for her.

'I need a damn tissue!..'.. Clint turned his head, seeing Pepper crying and Tony looking terrified, searching his pockets for anything.

'She is amazing, is she not?..'.. Loki appeared at his side, smiling over at his sister... 'I do not have to hear your thoughts, to know how you feel for her. To sing again, it is the last step of being truly free from the past..'

Clint cleared his throat, and took a deep breath... 'I was worried that she-..'

'No longer loved you? Again, you doubt her..'.. Loki sighed in disappointment, shaking his head.

'No, I don't doubt her, it's just, you said it yourself, shes amazing. How can I ever measure up? The way she loves me, I worry that I'm not loving her enough. Everything she's been through, that she's done, how can I ever compare to that?..'.. Clint watched as she stood up, hugging Steve and Bucky.

'Do you not realise yet?..'.. Loki smiled at him... 'You have always been enough, just as you are. She has never wanted anything from you, only your friendship. Yes, she secretly hopes for love, but all she ever wants for you, is to be happy, with whoever you want to be with..'

'I want her..'.. Clint said simply.

'They why are you not over there right now?..'.. Loki gestured, and Clint parted his shoulder.

'Thank you, for saving her, helping her..'.. Clint walked off, heading straight for Tess, as others stepped back from hugging her. Clint slowed, when he saw Strange take her hand, and pull her close, wrapping his arm around her back and kissing the side of her head.

His heart was racing and he stopped next to Bucky, watching her blush as others praised her performance... 'Not what you think, now move your ass, and kiss my daughter, before someone else does..'.. He heard Bucky tell him quitely.

Clint stepped forward, his hand still clutching the little box in his pocket and he walked over to her. Her face lit up at seeing him, and she moved closer, and smile at him... 'I know I'm not as good as I used to be, but not bad for a last minute attempt, right?..'

'You were amazing, you always have been..'.. He said, pulling the box out, and liking down at it... 'I uh, I found this..'.. He held the box out to her and saw her confusion as she took it... 'Had it cleaned and fixed..'

Tess opened the box, and her heart stopped. There inside, was the little necklace he had bought her, all those years ago. It held two pendants, one of a songbird, a eastern yellow robin, and the other of a hawk. A symbol of both of them, together.

She felt she couldn't breathe, and her skin felt prickly, cold. Raising her head, she went to speak, but fainted, Clint catching her in his arms. He tried not to panic, this was not how he was expecting it to go.


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