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Mel and Loki remained in the shadows, watching as armed agents hauled Raven/Mel and Matt from the water, and shoving them into the back of an SUV. The vehicles sped off, but Mel already had Vee in their systems.

Pulling out her phone, she watched the vehicles head off, towards the interstate, heading north. She wanted to take them down now, but she had to bide her time. Tapping her comm, she called out to the others... 'Palisades Interstate, heading north. Three black SUVs, in succession. Vee is tracking them as we speak, and she will keep you informed..'

Wade, Marc, Layla and Strange called out that they understood, and she began pacing back and forth. She needed to remain in control of her emotions, but the fact that if this went right, she would finally be free.

'Are you alright darling?..'.. She heard Loki ask and she nodded.

'Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I can do this, I need to do this..'.. She rushed out.

'I absolutely believe you can. I see no faults in the plan of yours..'.. He gave her a small smile and she sighed, stopping in front of him.

'Vee what of the new comers? You sent the messages across?..'.. She asked, and let out a relieved breath, as her AI confirmed that they would be there.

'You can deny it, but it is clear you love him..'.. Loki  says and she gives him a death stare.

'Love is not real. It is a lie that makes people weak. They fixate on it, until they are consumed, believe in dreams and fantasies that are not real. I don't love, not anyone or anything..'... Loki felt as though there was something buried deep within her, to carry so much hate towards that one word.

He didn't say anything more and she moved over to him, taking his arm... 'Junction 4 of the interstate. I want to see if they'll get off there..'.. He sighed, but did as she asked, knowing that no matter what, she would end this today, with or without his help.


Clint stood panting, looking around his now trashed room. He was so damn angry, pissed off at her for this. She was fucking around with his head, and he just couldn't take it anymore. Not wanting to listen, he ripped off the suit and got changed quickly, before heading back out to the main room. He would tell the team everything.

He didn't stop or slow down with his pace... 'Friday, call the team to the living room, now. It's urgent..'... He called out.

He stepped into the room, seeing Steve and Bucky talking with Sam and Nat. Vision came floating through a walk, and Pietro sped in with Wanda. He paced about, waiting for the others to turn up. Thor came in next from the private hallway, looking a little tired. Bruce and Tony finally joined them all and Clint huffed out a breath.

'What took you two so long? We have a problem. It's Tessa..'.. Tony and Bruce moved closer, with Bruce sitting down and Tony coming to stand by Clint.

'What do you mean?..'.. Clint turned to Tony to answer, when he felt a prick in his neck, and Tony's sympathetic gaze on him... 'Sorry Barton, but it's for the good of everyone..'.. Tony lowered him to the floor, as the others all began shouting at him. Putting his fingers in his mouth, he let out a loud whistle.

'If you gave me a minute, Bruce can explain. Just wait..'... He crouched down next to Barton, checking his pulse... 'You'll sleep it off, so don't worry. She's going to be ok..'.

Not a few seconds later, Barton was out and Tony stood looking around at the others... 'You got 10 minutes, suit up , Bruce fill them in. Thor, can you bring Barton to my lab please? He'll be safe in there..'

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