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Bucky caught Nat as she was thrown, and the two of them landed in a pile on the floor... 'You ok?..'... He panted out, looking over at their attacker. He knew who it was, knew why she was here.

'I'm just peachy, though your friend is really strong..'.. He helped her to her feet with him... 'How do we stop her?..'

The two of them watched as Steve went one on one with the assailant... 'We can't stop her. Not even the soldier could..'.. Bucky felt the cold wave of fear wash over him. If she was here, then it meant they had no chance. She would kill every single one of them, and drag him back, alive or almost dead.

'Ace can't be stopped Nat, no matter what you try...'.. He threw himself forward, just as Ace got the upper hand on Steve, kicking him hard in the chest, knocking him across the floor and out. She spun to her next target, Wanda.

Wanda tried to use her power on the attacker, but nothing was working. It was if they were immune to it, nor could she read their mind. She watched, standing in shock as the attacker came for her.

'Ace no!..'.. Bucky hooked an arm around Aces neck, trying to get her away from Wanda... 'Wanda, run!..'.. He gritted out, as Ace gripped his metal arm from around her neck, and pulled it away. She turned, backhanding him with a closed fist around the face, before bringing a leg up, and hooking it around the back of his neck, flipping to the floor, pinning him.

He didn't see the needle she pulled, but felt it as she plunged it into his neck, and darkness took him.

Tony managed to get out of his broken suit, and tried to summon another one, knowing that they were close to losing this fight. He saw Wilson, Rogers, Pietro, Vision, Barnes, and most shockingly Hulk knocked out. Only he, Wanda, Nat, the godly duo and Barton, wherever the hell he was, remained.

'Thor, Loki, now would be a good time for one of you to make yourselves useful..'.. Tony dove behind the kitchen counter, next to Wanda as the attacker opened fire towards him. He pushed himself to sit, turning his head to Wanda, seeing her having a panic attack.

'Breathe Wanda, you're good, ok. Don't go for her, use what's around you, you understand?..'.. She nodded at him, and Tony was beyond pissed at whoever this was.

He could hear Thor and Loki grunting in pain, as blows were being traded. He needed another suit, but even then, he wasn't sure it would work, seeing as she literally tore apart his other one, and that was nanotech with vibranium.

Tony jumped, as Nat slid across the floor, her head thumping against the wall to the side of them, and fought panic himself, that was another one down. He took Wandas hand in his, looking at her as silence fell. He brought a finger to his lips, as a sign for her to stay quiet.

The two stayed where they were, hearing the crunch of broken glass under feet, and then the whistle of an arrow. Tony carefully maneuvered to the end of the counter, peeking around. He saw the attacker, holding the arrow, as it let out a gas. She just dropped it, now turning to the hallway.

Tony hoped Barton wouldn't do something stupid, and just as he thought it, Barton came running in, releasing another arrow, which she caught. That surprised Tony, Barton never missed.

He watched the attacker Ace, Barnes had called her, tilt her head to Barton, as he retracted the string in his bow, now using it as a staff and began to attack her.

Tony watched and frowned, she wasn't fighting back with him, she evaded him every time he went for her. She moved swiftly each time, and Tony could tell by Bartons growl, he was getting frustrated.

He turned back to Wanda, tapping his head for her to read him. He saw her eyes flash red, and she nodded at him. Tony carefully moved towards Nat, to get her gun, as Wanda moved silently around the room, to get closer.

Clint was trying hard to knock the attacker out, but they were moving too fast for him. The fact that the others were all unconscious, showed they were strong, especially if they took down Hulk. He had seen them go for Barnes, ready to pick him up, so he assumed that's what they were there for.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wanda move closer. She indicated to her head, then pointed at their attacker. Tony came from the other side, shouting at her.

'Hey, soldier, how about round two?..'.. The attacker ducked Clints swing, and went straight for Tony, as he shot at them, and they didn't flinch. Wanda slipped up behind them, using her magic to lift Tony's Ironman helmet, and place it on the attacker... 'Now Friday!..'

The helmet sparked, as though it was electrocuting them, but the attacker didn't stop in their stride... 'Don't!..'.. Clint shouted and they stopped, right in front of Tony.

He didn't know why they listened to him, but his eyes darted to Wanda, and she nodded furiously at him... 'Stand down soldier..'

Tony watched as Ace stopped at Clints words, turning back to the archer. She walked over to him slowly, and Tony saw Barton slip something from behind his back... 'I said stand down..'.. Barton jabbed an arrow into her arm, and seconds later, she began to collapse to the floor.

Tony sagged in relief, knowing that Ace was stopped. Oh, he'd be having words with Barnes about who she was as soon as he was awake. Tony wanted to know how this person managed to get into his system and shut everything down, not to mention knock out almost the entire team single handedly.

'We need to get her into a cell, and fast before she wakes up..'.. He said, looking around... 'Barton help me, Wanda, see if you can't start bringing them around..'.. He nodded towards the others.

Clint took one arm of the attacker, as Tony took the other... 'You're telling me, that woman took you all down?..'

Tony scowled across at him, as they rushed to the cells, with the unconscious woman between them... 'Not every woman is weak you know. Whoever this is, Barnes knows her as Ace, and he was terrified. I'm guessing the Hydra weapon..'

'Fuck, not good. Did he say much about who she really is?..'.. They got to the holding area, and Tony let her go, as he had to open the cell manually.

'Oh yeah. We sat and talked about it, while braiding each others hair..'.. Tony snarked out, pulling the door open... 'Of course not. We were getting our asses handed to us by terminator here..'.. Tony took her arm again, and the two moved into the cell, putting her on the bed. Tony took off the helmet and they both rushed back out, locking the door.

Tony sighed, looking into the cell at her. She already had a mask on, one that looked like the winter soldiers one... 'I've never seen him so scared. That fear was worse than when he told me about my parents. He's talked about Hydra, but even then, he wasn't as afraid...'.. He looked at Barton next to him... 'She made the winter soldier look like a toddler having a tantrum..'

Clint looked in at the woman, and wondered why she listened to him. She didn't even attack him, but moved away from each time. His eyes roamed over her unconscious form, and he frowned. There was a feeling inside him, like a memory he had forgotten. It was a familiar feeling, but he just couldn't place it.

The two left the holding area, and headed back to the others. They all needed to regroup and fix things, not to mention, find out who their guest was.


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