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Clint had left the compound, two weeks after she disappeared. He had gone to her bar, and Matt had let him up to her penthouse. He saw the destruction that was done, but Vee had informed them both, it was of Mels doing. The girls had all returned back too, not knowing the truth of what had happened. Clint and Matt had sat down with them all in the bar, telling them everything, leaving out the harsher details.

Not one of the girls hated her for not telling them, they all knew her well enough, that she was trying to protect them. Clint assured them all that he would find her, and bring her back to them, while Matt told them that he and Tina would take care of them until Mel returned.

Nat was keeping him informed of anything that the team had found, that would lead to Mel, but so far there was nothing. He had travelled to her home, checking to see if she was there, but there was no sign of her, but her neighbour was there, taking care of her horses.

He had entered her house, searching for any clues that would indicate where she could've gone, but again, he found nothing, it was as though she had disappeared completely. He decided to reach out to Matt again, asking for his help in contacting her other friends that he had met, hoping that one of them know where she was.

When he returned to New York, he went straight to the sanctum, wondering if Strange would know.

'Barton, she is not here, nor is she at one of the other sanctums. Clearly she had gone away for a while, maybe you should respect her choice..'.. Strange sighed out, as they sat talking.

'But you know where she is?..'.. Clint raised an eyebrow, as a beer appeared on the small table next to his chair.

'All I can tell you is that she is safe. She will return in time, but I don't know how long it will take. Tell me, do you hate her for what she has done?..'.. Strange picked up his cup, taking a sip.

'I don't hate her, she's been through enough, but I know she hates me, blames me..'.. Clint sighed, picking up his beer and picking at the label.

'She never said she hated or blamed you, only herself. Did you really listen to what she said?..'.. Strange shook his head, seeing that Clint didn't fully understand. He put his cup down, and sat back.

'She has been holding onto anger of her former self. She has never known love, or understood it. Anyone who was meant to show her love, treated her harshly, especially her own mother. She is angry for not running away with you, but turning back. Any memory she had of you, she held onto during the dark moments of her past. She does not see it as hope, or love..'.. Strange drummed his fingers on the arm of the chair.

'Even now, she does not see that she has a family, friends or love from them all, or that she feels it for them. Melody has a lot of trauma to fight through, it will take time, and patience. Where she is now, she is begining to heal. She is a good friend, so all I ask is that you take this time, to decide what you want to do. Are you willing to wait for her, be patient, support her, or do you want to walk away?..'.. Strange watches him think it over.

'I don't know..'.. Clint just stared at the bottle in his hands... 'I don't know what to think or feel about it all. What she's been through, what she did and said. What after everything, does she decide to even want to come back?..'.. He took a big hump of his beer.

'You think that she doesn't love you...'.. Strange said, and sat forward... 'She sacrificed for you. Fought through Hydra for you, and took them down, for YOU. Everything she has done, has been for you. I have no doubt about how she feels for you, and in time, I'm sure she will see it too..'

'You're the only one to think so. The others don't think she's coming back, except Murdock. He said she would, told him not to hold his breath. From what I know, she wouldn't leave her girls, ever..'.. Clint out the bottle down and stood up.

'Then you've already decided, so let her go, move on..'.. Strange stood up too, and opened a portal back to the compound... 'There are others who would wait for her, who would give her what she needs..'

Clint snorted... 'Let me guess, you?..'

Strange chuckled... 'Not me, no. But if I had those feelings for her, then I would give her the world, especially if she gave her heart mind and soul for me, the way she has for you..'

Clint just shook his head and walked through the portal, back to the main room. He turned, seeing Strange give him a smile and nod, before the portal closed.

'No need to guess where you went..'.. He looked over, seeing Bucky at the table giving him a look... 'You find her?..'

'No. I think Strange knows where she is, but he didn't say..'.. He flopped onto a couch, putting his head back... 'He said she was healing and she would be back when she was ready, didn't say how long that would be though. Told me to make a choice, wait for her, or move on..'

'What are you going to do?..'.. He heard Nat ask, and he turned his head, seeing her walk in with Steve, both looking as though they had been training.

'I don't know. She could be gone a month, a year. She could move on with someone else..'.. He sighed, looking back up at the ceiling.

'Sounds like you made up your mind..'.. He heard Bucky huff out, and a chair scraping against the floor... 'Im going to look for her, even if you have given up..'

Nat could see Clint was conflicted, and she walked over, dropping to sit next to him as Bucky stormed out, Steve going after him... 'Whatever you decide, I got your back. It's understandable if you do want to move on, no one would blame you..'

'Barnes would..'.. Clint rolled his eyes... 'I'll give it a few more weeks, if she's not back by then, I'll move on..'

Nat thought that was a bad idea. It was clear that Mel loved him, even if she didn't see it herself. Nat just hoped, that Mel wouldn't take too long, and come back soon.


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