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⚠️ Trigger warning: mentions of abuse, attempted suicide, self harm⚠️


The team were having a meeting the following day, about how to handle the Ace/Melody situation. They only had 2 hours before Tony and a few others were attending the Gala, and he could see Bucky was on edge the whole meeting.

'Barnes, if you don't calm down, I'm going to have Bruce tranquilize you, and you'll be grounded..'.. Tony leaned on the desk, looking over to him... 'We're a team, and we'll deal with this together, but if you decide to go off, half cocked and end up at the bar, we're all fucked..'

'I won't go there Tony..'.. Bucky huffed out... 'I'll do my part and be on the lookout at the Gala..'.. He felt Steve put his hand on his thigh, trying to calm him down.

'Sam has to stay out of this, so me, Nat, Pietro, Wanda and Thor will be fine at the bar. She said us being there would bring in some more customers, so that's what we'll play it as..'.. Steve tells him, giving his thigh a squeeze.

'I got the drive ready. You know I'm good at being stealthy Buck..'.. Nat smiled across at him... 'We'll find out the truth..'

'Good, now that we got our parts, Barton, Mischief, go get ready. I got to go check on my date..'.. Tony smiled as he stood straight, and headed out the door.

'I can't believe you actually have a date..'.. Steve chuckled at Loki.

'I am a god captain, everyone wants to have a taste..'.. He grinned wickedly at Steve, and winked at Bucky, who sniggered... 'Im sure we can strengthen your stamina..'

Nat snorted and stood up... 'As much as this conversation is thrilling, I need to go get ready. Me and Wanda will meet the rest of you there at 7.30, before heading into the city...'.. Wanda stood with her and both women left the room.

'Im going to be anywhere else but here..'.. Bruce rushed from the room, Vision, Pietro, Sam, Clint and Thor all left almost straight after.

'Honestly, I can see the temptation in your eyes gentlemen, as much fun as that would be, I'm more for women this decade. Perhaps in a few years..'.. Loki smirked at them, and teleported away.

'You're not actually tempted, are you?..'.. Steve turns to Bucky, who shook his head.

'Theres only so much arrogance I can handle in our relationship. Between the two of us, that's enough..'.. Both laughed, and Steve slapped his leg.

'We got time to work on that tension of yours..'.. Steve gave him a lustful look, and the two rushed out, back to their room.


Mel sighed, and shook her head. They really needed better security. Their plan was just shit. Romanoff had no chance of getting into her office, and she would be at the Gala, if only to meet a few acquaintances. Mel smiled, the avengers had no idea of what they were getting into. She knew who would be in attendance, including the vice president and a few other important people, all of which, she had done favours for, and now they owed her.

Mel stood up, and headed to her bathroom to get ready. Removing her nanomask, and contacts, she grimaced at the reflection, hating what she saw. The scar across her throat which she did, and the one across her left cheek, courtesy of Jacques. She sighed at the memory, of  Jac and Buck trying so hard to break her, make her talk. They wanted to know where Clint had gone, but she didn't give in.

They did everything inhumanly possible to make her talk, until she managed to break free, grabbing Jacques knife from him, and slitting her throat. If she knew then, the truth of who she was, she would've cut deeper, so she wouldn't have survived.

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