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Clint thought back to the night before, he almost went home with that blonde woman, he couldn't remember her name, but he didn't. He shook his head, as his thoughts drifted over to Laura. That could have been him right now if they had remained married. A kid, and expecting another. He could have retired like she asked him to, but he knew deep down he wasn't in love with her, and he would just be settling into a life that wasn't his.

As much as he wanted to give it all up, and just have a quiet life, that little voice, one of an old friend echoed in his mind...

'I want to help people when I grow up. A policewoman or maybe a doctor. I know that just because my life has been bad sometimes, there are others out there, that have it worse than us. I want to help those people, because they need me, to do better, to be better. If they don't have someone to help make a good difference in their lives, then they'll give up..'

He sighed, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. She was the reason he kept fighting. To help those who needed someone to fight for them. He would sometimes wonder how their lives would have been, if they made it together. Would he have still become an agent? Would they have gotten married?

'Penny for your thoughts?..'.. Nats voice snapped him out of it, and he sat up on the couch, making room for her to sit down. He glanced at the pile of papers he had to sort through on the coffee table and shook his head.

'Reading all that..'.. He gestures to them... 'I don't even know if they're worth saving. Barnes went through a lot of shit in 70 years, but he spent a lot of that in cryo. This one wasn't frozen. Don't even know how long they've been there, but from what we know, the first experiment was 14/15 years ago..'

'Yeah I read that part. Almost every bone broken, contusions, lacerations, internal trauma and bleeding. Bruising on the brain..'.. She shook her head... 'I don't even want to know how old they were when that happened. Can't imagine if that was a kid..'

'Don't..'.. Clint shot out, as he frowned at her... 'Just don't. None of us want to think that. It's bad enough to think a person, woman maybe, having gone through all that, but to think it's a kid..'.. He ran a hand over his face, shaking away the thought... 'Barnes won't forgive himself, if it was a kid. You know that..'

Nat knew the truth of that. He still carried the burden of what he did to Tony's parents, and when he had shot her years ago... 'It'll destroy him..'

'Yeah. Any luck on your lot?..'.. He asked her, reaching over and grabbing his beer. He took a mouthful finding it was almost flat.

'Only about having the jaw wired shut, and an implant in the neck. There's not much detail about it, only about the procedures..'.. She sat back, thinking about her own experiences. The red room was harsh, brutal along with the graduation ceremony, but she managed to escape and have a life, this team, this family. What that soldier went through, Nat knew if it was her, she would've ended her life a long time ago.

'We still got to try and save them..'.. She put her feet up on his lap... 'We all have a past, some of us wish we could forget, but..'.. She lets out a heavy sigh... 'They need someone to save them, why not us?..'

Clint knew she was right. He was meant to have taken her out a long time ago, but he made a different call. Now he couldn't imagine how his life could have been without Nat, she was his best friend, the sister he needed... 'Ok, we'll save them. But I don't know how we're going to find them..'

Nat shrugged... 'Me either, but we got to give it a shot, right?..'


The soldier watched them all from the monitors, taking in their behaviours, patterns, the way they moved and trained. She was already in the system, due to a coded email sent to one of the agents in operations control. They had no idea that she was there. She had implanted programs, and disabled firewalls.

She watched her targets, studying them all. It wouldn't be long, until she held their lives in her hands, and dragged the soldier back.

Dr Ellis stood in the doorway, watching her as she worked. He secretly hoped that this would work. When he first saw her, and read her file, he was disgusted with what they did to her, and felt nothing but sadness for her. This was not the Hydra he wanted to help, but instead remained 'loyal' to them, doing what he could to ensure her safety, and well being when she was back in the states.

It had taken him 7 years to get to this stage, knowing it was a long process, but after finding out that the winter soldier broke free and was now with the avengers, he hoped that she would have the same help from them.

Considering what she had been through, he didn't know if there was any part of who she really was left in there. She would need a lot of psychological help, to mend her broken mind. He stood up straight, and strode over to her, as he was her 'temporary' handler.

Otchet o komandirovke soldat
(Soldier mission report)

He watched as she typed up her response on the computer in front of her. He nodded in approval, smiling. As far as Hydra would know, he was prepping her for the mission. There were cameras everywhere, he knew he was being watched, he had to tried carefully.

He walks over to the station to his left, and placed the case he had on it. Opening it up, he called the soldier over to him.

eto pomozhet usypit' soldata. vernut' yego zhivym nevredimym. vy ponimayete?
(This will help put the soldier to sleep. Bring him back alive unharmed. You understand?)

She nodded at him, returning to the desk, to watch the avengers. She would go, tomorrow night and take back the winter soldier and kill ever one of the avengers that got in her way. Or so Hydra would think, he would make sure to change her orders at the last possible moment, hoping she would be free.


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