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Tess was stunned to hear that her girls already knew everything, that it had been Matt and Barton who had told them. She saw that not one of them hated her, or was afraid. They had instantly hugged her, showing her she was loved.

Loki watched, smiling, seeing her wrapped in love, hearing them all reassure her that she was still the same person they adored.

'Ok ok..'.. She had pulled back and the girls stepped back from her, all moving to sit at the tables or the bar... 'So tonight we are closed for a private party for us. I've missed you all so much, and I am sorry for leaving you all..'

'Its ok boss, you needed time..'.. Max smiled over at her from behind the bar, and began to pour drinks for everyone... 'Matt and Tina have been doing well while you've been gone..'

'Yeah, and we voted for Max to be acting manager. She's been amazing..'.. Ava nodded to her friend behind the bar.

'Im glad to hear that..'.. Tess walked over to the bar, and picked up a beer... 'How would you feel about being a partner?..'

'What?..'.. Max was shocked. She loved the bar, and was saving to have her own one day.

'Well, I know we spoke about it before, about you wanting to have your own place one day, so how about we partner on another place? I'll be silent partner of course..'... Tess smiled at her.. '80/20 to you. I'll take care of the building, but you'll be the one to own majority, and do whatever you want with it..'

'Shit Mel, sorry, Tess. Are you serious?..'.. Max felt so much love for her.

'You have always been my right hand woman in this place. There's no doubt in my mind, you'll do amazing in your own bar..'.. Tess giggled as Max rushed around to hug her tight.

'Abso-fucking-lutely..'.. Max stepped back grinning.

'Then tomorrow, we'll start looking for a place..'.. Tess took a large gulp of her drink and gestured to the others... 'Everyone grab a drink..'.. They did as she said, Zoe and Tara raising their soft drinks... 'To family, and new beginnings..'

Bucky smiled, and felt Steves hand on his knee, as he looked around at him, Loki and Thor... 'She seems happy. Was it bad, when you found her?..'

Loki looked over at him... 'She was in her cabin, though I will not disclose where, that is for her to tell you, but she was in a dark place. When we arrived in Asgard, I could see the change in her instantly...'.. Loki smiled, glancing over to Tess... 'I believe that what she really needed, was a mother's love. From there, everything else began to heal..'

'She picked up Mjolnir..'... Thor grinned proudly, making Steve and Bucky whip their heads round to her... 'She is worthy of that power, though she confided in us, that being worthy, means something else for her..'

'Odin did ask her to stay and marry one of us, and her response was quite amusing to say the least, but she charmed everyone in Asgard, they call her princess. I do believe mother and father have adopted her, as have we..'.. Loki chuckled.

'I noticed her scars seem better too..'.. Steve said, looking across to the Asgardians... 'How?..'

'Our healer's. They have knowledge and medicines, as well as our own technology. Though her scars will not be gone completely, they were able to reduce them, they are hardly noticeable now..'.. Thor tells them.

'And healed her throat. So should she wish to sing again, she can..'.. Loki gives them a small smile, as both soldiers frowned at him... 'When she was younger, she was a singer for the circus. Barton was always getting her some new music for her. She hasn't sung since..'

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