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She couldn't sleep, she knew she wouldn't. Even though her room was soundproofed, because of her nightmares, she still felt uneasy with them all being there, especially Barton. Huffing out a sigh, Mel threw the covers from her, and got out of bed. Throwing on a hoodie, over her shorts and vest, heading downstairs.

Spending time with the horses would help to relax her. Slipping her feet into her boots, she couldn't hear anyone else, and was thankful. Carefully closing her front door behind her, she headed down towards the stables, lost in her thoughts, until she noticed that the door was open.

Being cautious, she headed inside, seeing Barton clearing Jessie's stall, while the horse was off to the side, eating... 'What are you doing?..'.. She asked, and he turned, seeing her there.

'Couldn't sleep. Sorry, I should've asked, but I didn't want to disturb you. This is amazing, I remember talking about this years ago..'... She moved closer, and picked up another shovel, walking into the stall to help.

'It was an idea I held onto..'.. She said, not looking at him.

'Its the same house. Took me a little while to remember, but the circus stopped here for a few days, and we came across this place..'.. He spoke hesitantly as he worked.

'Im not Tess anymore Barton. You need to know that..'.. Mel sighed.

'A part of you is. This was mine and Tess' dream home. Why this place?..'.. He stopped again, leaning on the handle, as he looked over to her.

'It doesn't matter why, it's just a house..'.. She shrugged.

'Ok..'.. He said, and carried on mucking out the stall. She stopped, frowning over at him, before she carried on. Neither one said any more until they finished.

'They need to have some exercise..'.. Mel walked over to Bonnie, giving her a fuss, before letting her out... 'Come on girl..'... Bonnie walked out and straight over to Barton, butting him in the back with her head, he stumbled forward, falling to the floor into the muck they just scooped out.

Mel couldn't help it, she burst out laughing, and Bonnie nickered bopping her head up and down. The other two horses copied her, which made Mel laugh more. She leaned her arms on Bonnie's open door, trying to remain on her feet.

She watched him get himself up, and he turned around to face her. That was it, she dropped to the floor, holding her stomach, seeing him covered in the muck. He spat out on the floor, using his sleeves to wipe his face.

'Glad the others aren't here to see this..'.. He said, shaking his head... 'Thanks Bonnie, I needed that..'.. He sighed, looking over to Mel on the floor.

Clint saw her laughing at him, and he smirked, stalking towards her... 'Dont you dare Barton!..'.. She scrambled to her feet, backing away. She slipped out the side door, and ran towards the other side, where the hose was. Listening for his footsteps, she made it to the tap, grabbing the hose and turning the water on. She spun, knowing he was behind her and turned the water on him... 'You're not coming in my house like that..'

She laughed again, hosing him down. She knew it wouldn't be enough, he would need a real shower, but there was no way she was having her house smell like horse shit because of him.

'I think you got it!..'.. He called to her, feeling completely soaked. He held his hands up in defeat, as he began to shiver from the cold.

'Fine..'.. She turned the water off, and rushed inside the stables to get him a blanket... 'Use this. I'll let them run free, and then we'll head back up..'.. She tossed it to him, and went back in again, freeing Silver and Jessie, opening the larger doors, for them to go out... 'You three stay inside the fence and close by. Do as you're told and you'll have a fruit salad for breakfast..'.. She smiled as they all bounced their heads, neighing at her before then ran off.

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