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Tony looked around the main room, seeing all the damage done. He had managed to finally get back into the system and turn the power back on, locking down the cells.

Bruce was pacing back and forth, anxious, and Tony could understand why. This woman took down Hulk, alone. Everyone else, aside from Barnes, who was still unconscious, now laying on the dining table, were sat around all silent as they thought back over the attack.

'I still don't get it..'.. Nat winced as she took the ice back from the back of her head, placing it to her ribs... 'How did she manage to take over the compound?..'

'Perhaps the question we should ask, is why are we all still alive?..'.. Vision sat forward on the couch, looking around at them all... 'She was able to disarm and take us down, why are we alive? She could easily have killed us, single handedly..'

'Hes right..'.. Thors grip on his hammer tightened. He thought he was strong, near unbeatable, and yet this human woman, had best him in the fight... 'She was able to beat Banner as Hulk, she is incredibly strong..'

'I could not read her..'.. Loki said, conjuring a tray of drinks on the coffee table in front of him, and gestured for the others to have one... 'I was unsuccessful in reading her mind. It was as though there was..'

'Static..'.. Wanda finished his sentence and he nodded at her... 'I tried throwing my power at her, but she was unfazed, and Tony shot her..'

'True, unless she has bulletproof armour on. Barton did stab her with an arrow..'.. Tony frowned at him... 'Why did she listen to you? She wouldn't fight you at all..'

Everyone else's heads turned to Clint and he shook his head... 'I don't know. Out of everyone here, I'm the least remarkable one of the team. So why me?..'.. He threw his hands up... 'Fuck knows why, cause I don't. Who or whatever she is, she's dangerous..'

'She could have killed us but she didn't. Bucky said she's lethal, killed with her bare hands with no hesitation. So maybe she had some control over what she was doing...'... Steve sighed, as he sat at the dining table, waiting for Bucky to wake up.

'Boss your guest is awake, and currently breaking out of the cell..'.. Friday brings up a projection from the security cameras in the detention area, and they see her punching her way through the glass.

'Holy shit..'.. Sam watched, stunned.

'How is she doing that? Neither Thor or I could get through that..'.. The cell was a replica of the one Loki was in, last time he was on earth. They hear her grunting with each hit, the glass cracking, as she punches the same spot over and over.

'Friday, lock down the whole area. Anyone in the vicinity to get out of there, now..'... Tony had no idea what to do. She may have kicked their ass, and not killed them, but that wouldn't stop her from ripping them all apart now... 'Barton, go..'

'What?..'.. Clint glares at Tony.

'She listened to you. If you go and tell her to stop, then maybe she will..'.. Tony gestured to the camera footage.

'And what if she doesn't? She could kill him and all of us..'.. Nat stands at Clints side, taking a defensive stance.

'We'll draw her outside if we have to. Well all use our powers and strengths. Thor could try taking her down with some sparky sparky..'.. Tony holds his arms out, summoning another suit.

'Its a shot Nat. Come on..'.. He grabs her arm, and they both run down to the detention area, where the soldier was being held. Clint was terrified, though he wouldn't openly admit it... 'Friday let us in, and lock down behind us..'.. He calls out, and the door begins to open, with him and Nat rushing in, seeing the glass of the cell shattered all over the floor, and the soldier was nowhere to be seen.

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