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⚠️ Trigger warning: mentions of torture, attempted suicide⚠️


She watched Fury twitch, as did the two agents with him. She heard the footsteps behind her, knowing it was them and she smirked beneath her mask. Loki was casting illusions of her, over every one of them. She wanted to see his fear, break him. She wouldn't kill him, he had been a good person at one time.

'Uh sir..'.. One of the agents looked around, seeing more 'Ace' step forward, surrounding them. Mel flicked her wrist slightly, making the cuffs on Raven and Matt fall to the floor, so they could stand.

'I have said many times Fury..'.. Raven/Mel links her arm with Matt, and they move to come stand behind Mel... 'I am not Ace. Though it's fun, it's been a pleasure, you know, let's not do this again any time soon..'.. She heard Matt chuckle, and the two moved further back.

Mel kept her eyes on Fury, seeing his hand tighten on his gun as he looked around... 'You're the real one, right? Not them..'.. He asks her, and she just remains where she is, staring at him.

'You know, it was never meant to be like this..'.. He began pacing back and forth... 'When SHIELD fell, it was supposed to be rebuilt, brand new. And the avengers were supposed to take down Hydra, yet they create robots that destroy, have tantrums like children. Too self involved, that they didn't do their job..'.. He looked over to her.

'Hydra grew, because I made a mistake in trusting the wrong people, to do a job. You on the other hand, you've been tearing them down, all by yourself..'.. He stopped, facing her... 'The plan was never to hand you over to them, it was to keep you for our side. You did in one year, alone, what the avengers failed to do in three years, as a team. You're the hero this world needs..'

He tapped his gun to his leg... 'See, having you on our side, the team would've been dismantled. Have you and Rogers kept hidden, you know, making a difference. The children you would have, would be stronger, smarter, more deadly than we could imagine. They would bring order to the chaos, that poisons our world..'

Her hand twitched as the blood dripped from her fingers. She wanted to rip his fucking throat out.

'We are not alone in the universe. You and Rogers were meant to lead the new world, free from corruption, while controlling the rabble..'..

Bucky wanted nothing more than to kill him. He hated that he had to stand there and listen to this shit, but he didn't want to ruin her plan, whatever it was. She was his family, and he trusted her.

'Aw, so your plan was to take her and the captain, make them have baby soldiers, destroy the avengers and rule the world?..'.. Raven/Mel chuckled... 'A bit pretentious don't you think?..'

Fury raised his gun aiming at Raven/Mel and shot at her. She laughed, and plucked the bullet from in front of her.

Mel fought a laugh, seeing the surprised look on his face. She twitched her fingers, and the gun he held, and the agents ones, rose in the air above them... 'What the fuck?.'... She heard one agent say, looking up at their weapons.

She flicked her wrist again, snapping both their necks, and their bodies crumpled to the floor, causing Fury to stumble back, looking around. Mel saw he was nervous, and she communicated to Raven, on what to say.

'Hydra couldn't break or control her, what makes you think you can?..'.. Raven/Mel stepped forward... 'She is stronger, smarter, more powerful than you can ever imagine, and you will never have her..'

Mel disappeared from in front of him, and reappeared behind him. Putting both hands to the sides of his head, she made him see, feel, smell and touch, every moment of her time with Hydra. She could feel his body begin to tremble, and he dropped to his knees. She kept hold of him, not letting up, he was lucky she didn't kill him.

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