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Clint sighed, not knowing what to say. She was right, she never said she hated or blamed him.

'Look, I get it. A friend from your old life comes back and hides it from you, and then kind of messes you about. Just because I love you, doesn't mean that you have to feel the same..'.. She reached over, putting a hand to his shoulder and giving him a small smile... 'You saved me Clint, more than you will ever know. I just wanted to talk to you when I came back, that's all. I'm not expecting anything from you. I just wanted to let you know, and thank you..'

Clint saw it in her eyes, she was better. He didn't know if he really did love her, the way she felt for him, or that he just cared about her, as though he would a friend... 'Im going to be spending some time, learning to love myself first before attempting any kind of relationship with someone..'

Hearing that last part, he felt as though the air had been sucked out of his lungs... 'Do you want to move on?..'

She took a breath... 'From the past, yes. I will always love you, but I've spent enough time putting others first, it's time for me. I'm not asking you to wait for me or even love me, all I'm asking, is can we be friends..'

He nodded at her, taking her hand from his shoulder, holding it in his... 'I was your friend before all them..'.. He tilts his head to the windows next to them and she giggled.

'True. I'm glad you're here Clint, and that I found you again..'.. She gave his hand a little squeeze and took a deep breath... 'You going to come back to the party or you want to go?..'

He looked over to the window, and chuckled, seeing Wade attempt to give Tony a lap dance... 'I'll come back, looks like I'd miss out on all the fun otherwise..'

Tess looked out the window and rolled her eyes... 'He just can't behave..'.. She waved her hand, and her shoes reappeared in her feet. Standing up, she puts down her glass, and holds her hand out to him... 'Come on, I got a kid I got to put in a time out..'

Clint laughed, taking her hand and standing up. He watched her face, and stepped closer, wrapping her in a hug... 'Im glad you're back Tess..'

'Me too Clint..'.. They stepped back, and she could feel the tension... 'Lets go..'... She took his hand again, and led him out the door, and back down to join the others. She gave him a nod, and let him go, off to give Wade a slap.

'You doing ok?..'.. He heard Nat come up next to him, as he watched her haul Wade off Tony, and smack him in the groin.

'Yeah, yeah I'm good. She wants time to be her, she's not ready for anything. She told me she's not expecting anything from me, just friendship..'.. He sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

'Is that what you want?..'.. He turned to Nat, seeing she was watching him.

'I don't know. The last few months, it's all been a lot. But I can give her time, who knows, she may fall in love with someone else..'.. He saw her drop onto Lokis lap, stealing his drink.

Nat didn't say anything, but saw that he was Looking at Tess. Nat actually respected her more. Tess was giving Clint the chance to move on, be happy, and that she was ok with it. Slapping Clint on the back, she dragged him to the bar to get a drink.

Tess laughed at Loki pouting at her stealing his drink, and she poked his cheek... 'Cheer up brother, you can always have more..'

'You ok?..'.. Bucky asked her, and she looked over to Clint at the bar, and smiled.

'Yeah, I'm good, I'm home and happy. Though I do have a question for you..'... She fixes him with a look... 'Where are you two getting married?..'... Her question had Steve and Bucky coughing on their drinks, and she grinned at them both... 'Ah, so you have both been thinking about it..'

The others around the table all laughed, and she couldn't help but feel the love, from everyone there. She knew that she went through hell, but that she was still alive, still fighting, and protecting others, she counted herself blessed, to have such love and support.


*6 months later*

'For the love of Valhalla, will you please stop fidgeting?..'.. She shook her head and she put her earrings in, and stood up from the desk, smoothing down her dress and smiling at Bucky...  'You look amazing, everything is perfect..'.. She straightened his tie, and patted his chest... 'Im proud of you..'

'What for?..'.. He asked, checking the time again.

'You two faced the world when you told them about you, and now you're marrying your best friend..'.. She saw his face soften, and he smiled at her.

'You almost ruined it you know..'.. She laughed at him.

'Funny, Pops said the same thing..'.. She stuck her tongue at him, and picked up their glasses, and handed him his... 'To new beginnings..'.. She clinked her glass to his.

'How are you doing?..'.. He asked, watching her.

Tess thought about it. In the past six months, she had opened a new bar with Max. Her girls had now moved on with their lives, but would make sure to have dinner every Sunday at the bar together. Casey and Sam now had their own place, just outside the city. She was proud of him, for coming to her and asking for permission to marry Casey. Tess had said yes without hesitation, and he asked if she could take care of the papers, for him to adopt Eli and Grace.

Zoe and Tara were now a couple, finally admitting their feelings. Ava had been scooped up by a network in Boston, now dating a guy called Jacob, who Tess had done an extensive background check on, finding nothing that would warrant her to dig a hole for him.

She had visited Asgard once a human month, wanting to see everyone, especially Frigga, filling her in on everything.

Her community center would be opening soon, with Jenny and Sophie running it for her. She had acquired more buildings and apartment complexes, fixing them up to help families in low income areas too.

Her life had smoothed itself out, and at night, she would be at Matt's side, fighting alongside him in Hells Kitchen, Daredevil and Shade. She was amused at the name that the media had given her, but she didn't mind.

Though she had worked with the avengers, built relationships with them all, adding them to her family.

'Im good, though I wanted to ask something..'.. She chuckled, seeing his stern expression... 'Instead of calling you gramps, call you dad instead? Steve will still be pops, you know. Dad and Pops?..'

'You sure?..'.. He asked, his voice a little rough with emotions.

'I would say otherwise. But only if it's ok with you? I know you're 103, but honestly, calling you gramps really ages you..'.. She teased him and he smiled, hugging her.

'I love you Tess. There's no one I'd rather have standing with me, than you..'... He said, and she hugged him just as tight.

'Love you too dad, I'm glad I'm here with you..'.. A knock at the door, pulls them apart and Sam sticks his head in.

'Its time, so let's go..'.. He grins at the two of them, and Tess links her arm with Buckys.

'Lets get you married..'.. She practically drags him out the door, and towards the main room, where the doors were, leading outside to the aisle. She really couldn't be happier, knowing that he was finally having his happy ending.


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