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⚠️ Trigger warning: mentions of abuse, self harm, torture, child loss ⚠️

Clint followed her up to the house with the other three, no one saying a word. He watched as she pulled open the door, flicking on the lights as she stepped inside, and took off her boots... 'Shoes off..'.. She sighed, heading for the kitchen at the back of the house... 'Anyone hungry, cause I'm cooking..'.. They all followed her and she gestured to the large dining table off to the side in the big kitchen.

'Um, sure if that's ok..'.. Steve said, as he sat down.

'Wouldn't have asked otherwise. Barton, beers in the fridge, ice in the freezer, the rest of the alcohol is there..'.. She points to a cabinet in the corner... 'Take your pick, help yourselves..'.. She pulls out pans and dishes ready... 'You got two options, burgers and fries, or fuck all..'.. She looked over at them, and saw Barnes smirk at her words.

'Sounds great, do you need any help?..'.. Romanoff said, coming over to the kitchen island.

'Barnes can peel potatoes, Rogers can cut them, Barton is on drinks, and you can make salad..'.. She gestures to the fridge.

They all do as they're told, making very little conversation, between them and it was irritating Mel... 'Just ask whatever you want to ask kids, cause this shit is awkward enough as it is..'

She heard Barton chuckle, and she refused to look at him as she heated the oil for the fries, and put the burgers on her grill.

'How did Hydra get a hold of Ace?..'.. She breathed a sigh of relief, that Romanoff understood her, separating who she was, to who she is now.

'After everything with Buck and Jacs, Tess cut her own throat to stop them from asking anymore. She was tired, broken, and wanted it to end, no matter the cost. They tossed her body off a bridge to get rid of her. She should have died..'.. Mel felt her hands shake, as the memories floated through her mind... 'A man found her, promising to help her. He took her in, had her seen by doctors. Questioned her about her life. When he found that no one was looking for her, he dragged her into hell..'

'If it's too much to talk about..'.. Rogers said, and she shook her head.

'If you want food, lay the table please..'.. She pointed to the dresser that held the plates and cutlery... 'I won't go into any of the darker details, but if you want to know, it's all in the drive. I don't really want to relive old memories..'.. Her gaze snags on Barnes as he watches her... 'You clearly got something to say..'

'Im sorry..'.. He cleared his throat... 'Im sorry I attacked you in your bar..'

'Apology accepted..'.. She turned to the grill, removing the burgers, and placing them in the buns... 'Barton, large glass of absinthe please..'.. She takes the tray of burgers and fries, placing them on the table.

'Thats..'.. Romanoff looked at the piled high trays of food... 'A lot..'.. She sat down at the table.

'Three super soldiers Romanoff, I could eat all this and still be hungry..'.. She heard the two soldiers snigger and she gave them a look.

'Its true, we would as well..'.. Rogers began to plate up and Barton handed her a drink as he sat down.

'Yeah well, considering you two train, run, hit the gym and pretty much fuck each other, left, right and center, I'm surprised neither of you have died from exhaustion ..'.. Barnes began choking on his burger, and she leaned over, slapping his back hard to help him... 'Breathe Barnes, in and out..'

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