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Steve sighed, rubbing Bucky's back, as they watched Bruce wave smelling salts under her nose and she shot up, gasping for breath... 'What the fuck!..'.. She placed a hand on her chest, taking deep breaths... 'Can you all back up, you're crowding me..'

Steve chuckled, seeing everyone do as they were told. When she had collapsed, Clint picked her up in his arms, and Strange had created a portal for the two of them, Bucky, Steve, Bruce, Tony and Loki to go back into the compound.

She shifted on the couch to sit, looking around at them all... 'Im fine, and I mean this as nice as possible, fuck off back to the reception, it's a wedding, go..'.. She shooed at them, and then her gaze fell on Clint... 'You stay..'

From her tone of voice, the others knew that she was not happy at all. Steve clapped Clint the shoulder... 'Good luck buddy..'.. He whispered, following after the others with Bucky, as they returned back outside, heading to the marquee.

'Tell me I wasn't dreaming it..'.. She said, not looking at him... 'It was the necklace, right?..'

'Yeah..'... He moves to sit on the coffee table in front of her, and pulls the box from his pocket again, placing it next to him. Her eyes followed it, staring at the box... 'Rumlow had it. The chain was damaged, but I had it fixed and cleaned for you..'

'Why?..'.. Her gaze remained on the box.

'I just thought you would want it back. I remember how happy you were, when I gave it to you the first time..'.. He said, feeling as though that wasn't what she wanted to hear.

She sighed deeply, shaking her head... 'Because I thought that was you telling me you loved me. It was just a gift from a friend..'.. She shrugged, and moved to stand, when he grabbed her wrists, pulling her back down... 'It was that Tess..'.. He tilts her face to look at him... 'I do love you, I was in love with you then, and even more now..'

He saw the shock in her face, and he felt a stab in his heart. He could see, that she never thought he would love her... 'I love you, and I will wait a hundred lifetimes for you. I know, that I am incredibly lucky, to have you love me as much as you do..'.. He wiped away a stray tear from her face.

'The song was for you..'.. She sniffled... 'I could never move on, I never wanted to. It is, and always will be you..'.. Clint slid his hand behind her neck, pulling her in for a kiss. He poured everything he could into it, letting her know, just how much he loved her.

'Can I take you out tomorrow? On a date?..'.. He asked, pulling back and catching his breath.

'You can take me anywhere, as long as it's not the sappy shit kind of date..'.. She chuckled, resting her forehead against his.


*5 years later*

Tess muttered a string of profanities under her breath, knowing that there were kids running around. She pinched the bridge of her nose with one hand, the other fiddling with her necklace, wanting to smack the shit out of Tony for thinking it was a great idea, to have helium balloons strung up around the place. Her animals could end up ingesting one, and getting sick or worse. She had half a mind to take all the balloons, and string him up with them.

A pair of arms wrapped around her from behind, and he kissed the top of her head... 'Take a breath, and remember, you can make them disappear..'

'I want to make him disappear. For a genius, he is so fucking stupid..'.. She huffed, seeing everyone enjoying themslef, as the adults set the tables, Steve, Bucky and Sam on the BBQs off to the right.

She had a large shallow pool up ahead, where the dogs and kids were running about splashing. Over two dozen tables were set up, and her girls were laying the tables, ready. A small stage, set up off to the left, for karaoke later.

Taking a deep breath, she waved her hand, making the balloons disappear, and she began to relax... 'Are they all locked away, safely?..'.. She nodded to the three large barns, side by side.

'Yeah, every one of them is tucked in. Though Silver was pouting, he wanted to be in with Biscuit..'.. Clint chuckled... 'I think he's smitten..'

Tess turned in his arms, linking hers around his neck... 'Im glad you suggested this. Honestly, I really needed a pick me up..'.. She looked down at her stomach, knowing she would be due any day.

Her pregnancy had not been easy, and her worries, that she would die, along with their son, weighed heavily on her. She was thankful that she could portal to and from the compound, for daily check ups with Bruce and Helen.

Here, at their home in Colorado, surrounded by both their families, she had never felt more at peace. He leaned down, kissing her slowly, when they heard disgusted yells, coming from the kids. She began to giggle, and couldn't help but out right laugh.

Clint kept his arm around her, as he helped her down the steps, to sit at one of the tables... 'Grampa, Grampa! Watch me!..'.. Casey and Sam's three year old daughter squealed from pool at Clint, spashing around as the dogs tried to catch the drops of water she sent flying.

'Thats amazing Connie, good job..'.. He smiled over at her, and she grinned proudly, before going back to playing with the dogs.

'You are one hot Grampa..'.. Tess pulled him down for a kiss, and she she heard someone clear their throat. Rolling her eyes, she looked across at Nat, rasing an eyebrow... 'Im horny and hormonal..'.. She heard sputtering and coughing behind her, by the BBQs.

'Maria was the same..'.. She nods to her fiancé with their little one, only a few months old, and the boy was definitely going to be a heartbreaker when he was older.

'Hes gorgeous..'... Tess sighed, and Clint went to join the men.

'Just like his mother..'.. Nat grinned at her.

'You're both beautiful. How is life as a parent?..'.. She looked at the rainbow drink placed in front of her, and then up at Loki, who was smiling.

'Mocktail..'.. He said, and sat with them.

'Sleepless nights, are definitely worth it. Never thought I could love anyone as much as Theo..'.. Nat sighed contentdly.

'I for one, cannot wait to meet my nephew, Lucas, wasn't it?..'.. Loki nudged her and she shoved him off his seat.

'Its a very warm day, I'm a hungry whale, and you think it's a good idea to tease? Can someone deal with Loki please?..'.. She called out, as he stood up, brushing himself off.

'You scare me sometimes sister..'.. He sighed, and sat down, at the other side of the table next to Nat.

'Lesson one, don't piss off a pregnant woman..'.. Tess rolled her eyes at him.

'Swear jar! Swear jar!..'.. She dropped her head to the table, hearing her little sister behind her. Caitlin was 8 years old, rescued from a mission four years ago, where her dad's had fallen in love with he little girl. Not 2 months later, they adopted her as their own.

Tess conjured a fist full of $100 bills, and threw them in the air....'Call it a down payment for every one that's not been said yet..'

Nat and Loki burst out laughing, and she heard others chuckle. Her body was instantly on alert, knowing Clint was coming closer to fer she really was frustrated. Turning her head, she reached out a hand, and he took it. Tess grinned and teleported them to their room in the house, pushing him back onto the bed... 'I need you..'


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