No Luck Needed

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The future was a scary idea for Harry. He was so used to always looking back on his past, that he didn't really know what to expect from now on. There had always been one clear goal in his life, to kill Voldemort. Now that he was gone, Harry was sort of lost.

"Mr Potter?"

Harry lifted his head abruptly and hauled himself up from the cushy chair he had been slumped in next to Ron. They had been waiting patiently in the ministry in order to see the head of department and now was the time.

"Good luck" Ron grinned, giving him friendly thumbs up. Harry nodded in response to his friend wordlessly.

He hated interviews. He never knew what to say, he always got tongue-tied and started talking absolute nonsense. He had to try and focus, this was important.

An interview to become an Auror, or to start Auror training at least. Something Harry had always imagined himself doing since he first came to Hogwarts, and looking back at his past, he thought he had a pretty good chance at getting a job. This didn't however make him any less nervous.

He had fought against a basilisk, dementors, death eaters and even Lord Voldemort himself, but the thought of being asked hundreds of questions on his past strangely frightened him. It was weird because he was used to people staring at him or asking to shake his hand. This was different altogether.

As he slid into the intimidating office, he was met with the sight of a small middle-aged man with dirty blonde hair and wearing a black crisp suit. The man stood up from his desk ready to shake Harry's hand. Well, some things never change.

"Hello Mr Potter, I'm Darius Lorpin" he smiled politely, introducing himself. He grasped Harry's hand confidently, giving it a shake.

"Hello," Harry replied in a low tone of voice, trying best to sound as calm as possible.

"Please, take a seat" He motioned, also sitting back down on his rather large leather seat. Harry lowered himself down obediently and waited for the questions to begin.

"Why have you come here today?" Lorpin questioned, glaring at Harry with a puzzled expression on his tired face.

"Well... I guess... I've always seen myself as an Auror and I think that—"

Lorpin cut him off quickly by raising a rather chubby hand,

"No, no I mean... Mr Potter... you must realise that someone like you doesn't even need an interview. Heck, you are probably more qualified than most of the Aurors in this place!" He chuckled heartily.

However Harry did not see the humorous side of this statement, in fact it angered him somewhat,

"In fact, I've been eagerly awaiting the day that you would come here... an Auror seems like the best path for you but you sure as hell do not need an interview."

Rage bubbled inside Harry's stomach for a moment. This is not how he had expected things to go and he wasn't liking it. He didn't like constantly being put on a pedestal and always getting special treatment. He wanted to be seen a normal guy again.

"Look, I don't want to be treated differently to any other candidate here, do you understand?" Snapped Harry sternly, glaring deeply into Lorpin's beady eyes. He seemed slightly taken aback, but remained silent.

"Why should I? I mean I'm not special, I'm not brilliant... I'm just very lucky and had lots of help from my friends, that's all."

At that moment, he thought about Hermione, his other beloved best friend, aside Ron. The person who had pulled him along and assisted him in defeating Voldemort, without her he'd would have been dead a long time ago. Harry then felt a sad, dull pain inside him as he realised how much he missed her.

He hadn't seen her in almost six months. Luckily for him, she was returning in a week or so from her wild adventure round Europe. She deserved a long holiday after the war and she had been particularly distressed by all of the deaths.

Getting away allowed her to clear her head and spend some much needed time with her parents, which was totally understandable.

Lorpin intertwined his fingers and placed them on the desk in front of him. Harry could tell that he wasn't going to change his mind. He wasn't going to listen to what Harry had to say because he was already planning on giving him a job.

"But Mr Potter, you are special" He insisted, raising an eyebrow knowingly,

Harry snapped back to reality, dragging himself away from deep thoughts about Hermione.

"I have heard wonderful... no, extraordinary things about you and of course you did defeat the darkest wizard of all time..." Lorpin's expression was sincere as he said this. Although this was true, it didn't mean Harry knew that much about defeating other dark wizards.

Harry merely sat there dumbfounded and stared at him. Was this guy really going to hand the job to him just like that? Sometimes fame was a curse for Harry.

"You may go, Mr Potter..." Lorpin uttered "You start on Monday, don't be late!" nodding towards the door.

Apparently he was.

Harry gave him a harsh sideward glance, but thought it was best not to argue. So he simply nodded and exited through the office door. Outside, an eager looking Ron was raring to go to his own interview.  

Harry smiled, "Good luck mate."

But there was no luck needed, not really. Harry knew very well, that Ron was destined to get a job, just as he had just managed to do. They would be working together; side by side just like they had been right the way through Hogwarts. His future was all beginning to piece together. All they needed now was Hermione.

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