Unspoken Truths

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"He really hit you?" Hermione whispered in disbelief as she was delicately mending Harry's face with a healing spell. He nodded wordlessly, his head was still pulsating. Ron could really throw a punch.

Harry flinched as he felt Hermione's cold hand touch the side of his face where the nasty bruise had been.

"Gone..." she breathed, her fingers still placed softly on his cheek.

"Thanks" he mumbled, before glancing up into her eyes. Harry had looked into her eyes many times now, but that still didn't stop his heart from racing wildly.

After a few moments, Hermione realised her hand was still stuck on Harry's face so she quickly whipped it away without looking too jumpy.

"It's a shame... about you and Ginny..."

"Is it?" Harry responded, tilting his head. He really didn't think it was a big deal. Ginny was a good friend to him but he never loved her in the way he loved Hermione.

"Yeah... you were um... good together" Hermione's voice sounded strained, as if she didn't believe anything she was saying. Perhaps she realised they weren't meant for each other also.

She then cleared her throat meaningfully,

"Um, so Harry..." she began, somewhat agitated "About what you... err... said the other day..."

Harry stared at her intensely. This was the moment he had been waiting for. He wished for her to launch herself into his arms and declare her love for him. He knew that was highly unlikely, but deep in his mind those were the thoughts that dance through it. Those were the things he wanted to happen.

"Did you... did you really mean it?" she asked, moving her position on the sofa, so that her legs were now directly facing him.

Harry tried to get his thoughts together. Of course he had meant it. He had taken all the strength within him to admit it to her, so why would he lie? He knew she was scared. Her best friend of eleven years had admitted he was in love with her. It must be daunting.

"Yeah, of course" he said simply, watching her as she blushed so furiously she could have given Ron a run for his money. She didn't look at him, but merely glowered out of their flat window, deep in thought.

"And... h-how long have you felt like this?"

Harry considered this. I didn't exactly know the answer. He guessed he had truly fallen for her when she walked through the door after returning from her trip. But in his core, he knew that he had loved Hermione for much longer than that. He just hadn't realised it before.

"For a long time..." he spoke with a level of uncertainty because he wasn't even sure in his own mind if this was true or not. This was a whole new experience.

He heard her exhale roughly as though realising the tension. However it felt even tenser than before. Neither of them knew what to say to do. It was beyond awkward.

For what seemed like hours, neither one of them spoke. They just watched as the orange sun dipped down between the distant hills. It was a beautiful sight.

Then unexpectedly Hermione entwined her cold fingers with Harry's warm ones. He felt her coldness swim through his body like a cool breeze on a summers day. Nothing pleased him more.

Harry focused on their hands, interlocked. Her fingers were thin and slender, while his were large and muscular. For the first time, Harry felt as though he was protecting Hermione in every way possible, not just keeping her warm. He never wanted to let go.

"And how do you feel?" Harry murmured tenderly, rubbing his thumb over hers ever so subtly.

"P-Pardon?" she wondered, creasing her forehead frowning.

"How do you feel... about m-me?"

The end of his sentence seemed to trail off because he was scared. Scared of what her answer may be, scared that she might tell him she doesn't want him. He couldn't risk losing her, even if it was just as a friend.

"I-I don't know Harry..." She mumbled, shaking her head, "You're my best friend"

His disheartened him a bit. Hermione was going to reject him, he just knew it. He was going to be given the whole friendship speech.

"But recently... I suppose... I can't deny that..."

"Can't deny what?"

Her next movements were utterly astonishing.

She edged closer towards Harry, so that their faces were a centimetre away, before pressing her smooth lips against his. She was gentle at first, but soon their lips were moving rhythmically between one another. It was as though it was the most natural thing in the world.

Harry reacted immediately by cupping her face lightly, running his fingers through her soft, glorious hair. He had never experienced this kind of pure passion before and it overwhelmed him so wonderfully. His mind was completely fixed on her. Her eyes, her hair, her lips. Everything.

He had just begun to deepen their kiss before a familiar sounding voice bellowed through the living room. Ron was standing in the doorway, looking extremely full of rage.

"What the bloody hell is this?!"

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