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*One year later*

"Have you invited Ginny and Dean?" Hermione asked frantically, as she scurried around the house.

"Yes!" Harry replied firmly, laughing under his breath at her agitated behaviour, "Look, Mione' stop worrying, everything is going to be great."

He placed a reassuring kiss on her flushed cheeks in order to calm her down. Her shoulder sag in defeat,

"I know... I know... I just don't want to forget anything... This is Lily's first birthday after all"

"Well just calm down" Harry chuckled.

They had moved into a small house together a few months after Lily was born. Their flat just didn't seem spacious enough. Now it was decorated with hundreds of pink balloons and glistening streamers ready for Lily's birthday.

Harry couldn't believe how fast a year had gone by. It felt like yesterday since they had brought her home. His daughter was growing so quickly, it really scared him.

Soon the guests began arrived, Ron and his girlfriend Violet were first to arrive. Ron had been quick to move on after Lily was born. Despite initially wanted to help, he found it all to be too much and took a step back. Of course, he was still a wonderful godfather, he just wasn't as hands on as he thought.

He and Violet had been dating her for 10 months now and they seemed beyond happy. Harry was glad he had managed to find someone.

Next was Ginny and Dean Thomas. They arrived beaming, their hands latched together. The first thing Harry noticed when she strolled in was a silver engagement ring around her finger.

"Wow... getting married then?" He grinned at her.

Her cheeks blushed pink as she nodded, "Yes, it's wonderful isn't it?"

"Yeah, it really is! Congrats!" He gave her a light hug and shook Dean's hand. He didn't really say much because it was difficult to get a word in edge ways with Ginny gushing.

Once all of their guests had appeared and they had milled around a bit, Harry decided it was time to make a speech in honour of his gorgeous daughter, even if she didn't have a clue what he was saying,

He tapped his glad to get everyone attention before holding it up in the air,

"To my daughter Lily" he began, glowing with pride "I can't believe it's been a year since you were born. Yes, you were unexpected, but unexpected surprises are always the best... I mean I guess all surprises are all unexpected... otherwise they aren't surprises but I-"

"Ahem" Hermione coughed, causing Harry to realise he was rambling. Some people awed, others laughed softly at his silly comments. He shook his head,

"Anyway... I couldn't ask for a more beautiful daughter and I hope that I can be the best dad you could have wished for... I know your grandparents would be proud..."

Of course, he was talking about his own parents not Hermione's, as hers were stood in the corner of the room. He wished his parents were stood in the room too, beaming at their granddaughter with pride.

He knew that they would have simply loved her. But he chose not to dwell on the past anymore. His life was all about looking forward.

"To Lily!" he shouted, raising his glass even higher.

"To Lily!" everyone chorused, clinking their glasses together and grinning as they took a sip.

Just then, something happened that made Harry's heart swell with happiness. As everyone was still quiet, there was only one voice to be heard,

"Dada!" Lily babbled, rolling around on the floor with her teddy. Harry ran over and lifted her up,

"I love you Lily" he beamed, spinning her round playfully as she giggled.

As the night went on, there was a peaceful glow that filled the atmosphere. Everyone was content and life was going well for them all. People were getting married and having kids, their days at Hogwarts seemed like a distant memory.

Harry then went out onto the balcony for some fresh air. Today was one of the best days of his life, but also put into perspective how far he had come. He was no longer the curse that always brought misery to people around him, he was truly happy,

He exhaled at the thought,

"Hard day?"

It was Hermione. He twisted round quickly and smiled at her, holding his arms out so that he could hug her.

"Yeah..." he whispered sadly, embracing her in his arms.

"What's the matter?" she asked, gripping him tightly.

"Everything's going so fast, I don't think I can keep up..."

Hermione pulled away from the hug and gave him a weak smile, before bursting into giggles.

"Well um... you better start trying a big harder... because I'm pregnant!"

"W-What?" Harry gasped, "Oh my god!"

He reacted by instantly lifting her up and spinning her round just as he had just done with Lily, although Hermione was a little heavier.

"Woah... that's fantastic" He grinned, from ear to ear.

It was at that moment Harry his heart filled with joy, his mind raced and he couldn't think of anything, but that he was going to have another child. His family was growing, just like his heart.

He suddenly saw his life being planned out in his head and this time he wasn't scared. In fact, Harry honestly couldn't be happier.


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