A Life Of Bliss

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The trio had decided to move back into their old flat. Harry, Ron and a rather pregnant Hermione. It was an amazing feeling for them all to be friends again. Harry felt as though they had each learnt something about one another's personalities.

They now understood Harry's overpowering anger and his inability to control it. They had learnt to cope with Ron's over reacting nature when silly little arguments occurred. And they had realised how deeply emotional Hermione truly was, which had only increased now that she was pregnant.

They had all helped in clearing out the spare room in order for it to become a nursery for the baby. Although there was nowhere this could be done without the slightest bit of bickering.

"I think yellow..." Ron suggested, as they decided what colour to paint the walls. They did not want to use magic to do either; they wanted to do it properly, by themselves.

"Or maybe pale green..." Harry wondered curiously. Because they did not know whether the baby would be a boy or a girl, they had to choose a neutral colour, which meant no pinks and no blues.

"Yes, I think green would be nice... to match your eyes Harry" Hermione smiled, "I wonder if the baby will have green eyes..."

Harry couldn't even imagine what their child would look like. Perhaps it would have chocolate brown eyes like Hermione or scruffy black hair like him. It didn't really matter though; all he knew was that it was going to be beautiful and he already loved it unconditionally.

"Have you... you know... thought of any names?" Ron asked as he began searching through a wide range of paints that they had purchased from Diagon Alley.

"Maybe" Hermione teased, a small smirk growing on her lips. In fact they had thought of two beautiful names. One if it is a boy and one if it is a girl. However they were reluctant to tell anyone until the baby was born, not even Ron.

"I think Ronald Junior would be good" he joked, Hermione shot him a playful look, her hands on her hips,

"If you think I'm calling my child Ronald Junior, then you're crazy!" she laughed.

Soon, after much thought, they began to paint the walls a pastel green colour, perfect for their little baby. It was extremely calming and peaceful.

"Hey! What's wrong with Ronald Junior?" Ron queried, a hint of humour in his tone.

"Everything" Hermione sniggered.

"Oi!" he chuckled, before putting a blob of paint on the tip of his finger and dotting it on the end of her nose.

"Ronald Weasley!" she gasped, before quickly returning the gesture. Harry merely chortled at his two best friends messing around.

"And what are you laughing at?"

Hermione smirked turning to him and getting more paint of her finger and smearing it onto his cheek.

Harry laughed heartily, as did Ron and soon they were all snorting with unbearable laughter, tears streaming down their paint covered faces. Harry hoped things would always be this way, because right now he was living a life of bliss.

Once they had eventually ceased laughing, they slumped on the floor together. Their sides were aching and they desperately tried to regain their breaths.

At that moment, Harry couldn't think of any possible way he could be any happier. His life was wonderful. He had never expected that this was where his life would be.

He had a great home, an amazing job, fantastic friends and now a gorgeous baby on the way.

He sighed heavily as they each flopped on their back and gazed up at the ceiling of the nursery.

"I'll have to move out soon..." Ron declared. Both Harry and Hermione sat up glanced round at him with shocked and confused expressions.

"Why?!" they said simultaneously.

"Well you guys will be one, big happy family... and I'll just be in the way" he groaned, genuinely in a state of despair.

"Ron mate, you don't have to move out, you are our family" Harry said firmly,

"Yeah... You're Uncle Ron!" Hermione giggled, "And you can live here as long as you want."

Ron stared at them both in disbelief as though he had expected them to simply kick him out when the baby arrived.

"Oh... thanks guys" he smiled, before flopping back down on the floor.

Harry and Hermione once again followed this action and as all three of them sprawled across the floor.

Harry looked up and grinned to himself. He had never felt so excited. He was full of a warm glow that he hadn't felt for a while. Nothing, absolutely nothing would ever be able to ruin his mood... Or so he thought...

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