Hermione Returns

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Today was the day. The day they had been so eagerly been waiting for. Hermione was finally coming home.

Harry and Ron were desperately trying to make their messy flat look somewhat presentable for her. They knew how much she hated things being out of place.

Harry was using various charms to try and get rid of the dusty surfaces, while Ron was levitating all of their belongings that were scattered across the floor and dropping them carefully into random drawers.

"I really hate cleaning..." moaned Ron, looking bored out of his skull, "So glad Hermione's coming back so she can do it for us."

Sometimes Ron really did take her for granted, but Harry was in no mood to argue with him because she would be here any minute.

Once they had eventually finished, they slumped down on the sofa sighing simultaneously. Their flat seemed a lot better than before, they just had to hope Hermione didn't look in any cupboards otherwise she would end up being suffocated by all of their stuff.

"I can't believe she's actually coming home... the three of us back together again..."

"Mmm..." Harry grunted in response, too tired to reply properly.

They had been sat down for less than five minutes, when the doorbell suddenly rang.

Ron was first to shoot up from the sofa and rush to the door, whereas Harry lifted his tired body up a lot more slowly ready to greet Hermione.

However as Ron eagerly yanked the door open, Harry was hit with a big shock.

There was a woman stood there with gorgeously, long flowing hair with blonde streaks running through it. Her skinned was sun-kissed and almost glowed in the light. Her teeth were glistening white and perfectly straight. Was that truly Hermione?

"Ron! Harry!" she squealed, dropping her bags by her side and throwing her arms around them both excitably. Harry was bewildered as he gentled returned the hug.

He could not believe that this was his best friend. She was not the girl with bushy hair and slightly over sized teeth he had said goodbye to all those months ago. She was a matured young woman. Six months can really change a person, Harry thought.

She was beautiful.

Harry felt a strange sensation in the pit of his stomach as Hermione pulled away from the hug, beaming at them with delight. He couldn't really describe it.

"Oh, I've missed you both so much" She cooed looking as though she was about to burst into tears.

"We've missed you too" Ron exclaimed happily, shoving his hands in his pockets causally. Harry nodded his head in agreement, but he could not find any words to say. Her appearance had somehow mesmerised him in a weird way. Her aura made his heart skip a beat.

He felt odd. His feelings towards Hermione were completely different now. Before he felt as though she was only a sister to him. But now, all he wanted was to run up to her and embrace her in a passionate kiss, hold her and never let go. What was coming over him? This was Hermione he was talking about.

The girl he had known since they were eleven. The girl he had treated as nothing more than a best friend. His feelings for her couldn't appear so suddenly, could they?

But with her newly perfect smile, her warming glow and her caramel hair that hung delicately down her body, Harry almost had to stop himself from dribbling.

"H-Hermione, you look f-fantastic" he managed to stutter. Her cheeks turned crimson.

"You think so? I thought it was time for a change, a new me" she smiled. Once again Harry nodded, not able to take his eyes of her.

"I see you kept the place clean" Hermione affirmed, glancing round the flat, "I'm impressed."

Ron shot a smug look at Harry because their efforts had been noticed, but he realised that Harry was still fixed on Hermione.

"Guess what? Me and Harry have started Auror training" Ron chirped gleefully, in order to grab Harry's attention,

"Oh that's great! I bet it's really hard!" she replied,

"Yeah it is, isn't mate?" Ron looking at Harry again for an agreement, but he had still not managed to stop his pathetic gawking. Ron frowned and began snapping his fingers in front of his face. Harry soon removed his gaze.

"Huh? What?" he asked, peering at Ron who simply shook his head in confusion. His best friend had seemed so distant lately he should be used to it by now.

"What are you staring at?" he wondered.

Harry wasn't really sure how to answer this. What was he staring at? Or the question was who? Because it wasn't Hermione, it couldn't be.

"Oh err... nothing, it's good to have you back 'Mione" He breathed, still lost in his conflicting thoughts.

He was admiring the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on. He had seen Hermione in a whole new light, and he wasn't sure whether this was a good or bad thing.

Before he had been looking at her and seeing a sister figure, who did his homework for him and bossed him around to no end but now, he was seeing her for what she truly was.


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