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Ron was distraught.

"You two...? You're... but..."

"R-Ron..." Hermione breathed, her eyes wide with surprise.

"How long has this been going on?" The look of total confusion on his freckled face pretty much summed up how they were all feeling. But Harry couldn't find any words and Hermione, too, stayed quiet.

"So, that's why you dumped Ginny, eh?" Ron growled, his confusion turning to anger. He glowered at Harry, looking more furious than he could ever have imagined was possible, "You broke my sister's heart..."

Harry was unable to look at Ron directly in the eyes; instead he kept them glued to the floor. He couldn't believe this was happening. He hadn't wanted things to turn out this way.

"R-Ron, what are you d-doing here?" Hermione stuttered timidly, standing up slowly from the sofa, still shocked at his furious tone. Evidently she had not expected him to turn up out of the blue like this either.

"I live here?" Ron said incredulously "Or had you forgotten that? Were you too busy snogging that pathetic bastard?"

Hermione immediately flushed a deep shade of crimson,

"N-no, what I meant is... I-I thought you were staying at the Burrow?"

"Yeah well... I came to collect the rest of my stuff, didn't I? And I saw this..."

"W-we can explain"

"Can you?" He chuckled menacingly, shaking his head. It was obvious he was being sarcastic. Neither of them said anything because the truth was they couldn't explain. They didn't know what had just happened. It was all so new and confusing.

"I'm moving out" Ron admitted bluntly, breaking the tense silence.

"W-what?" Hermione's voice wobbled, "You c-can't..."

Harry glimpsed at Ron quickly once he had announced this. He looked completely serious whilst also being absolutely disgusted at the both of them. Ron had just walked in on his two best friends snogging; Harry couldn't blame him for being slightly peeved.

He never wanted to hurt Ron though. He been so caught up in his own feelings, it had simply slipped his mind that he had always had feelings for Hermione. They had even dated for a few weeks after the war, but once Hermione went on her trip, they had mutually decided to break it off. But he always knew that Ron still cared for her deep down.

Ron marched angrily into his bedroom and started to cram everything he owned in to the first bag that he could find.

"R-Ron, please don't do this..." Hermione pleaded, tears threatening to roll down her pink cheeks. She didn't want him to go; he was one of her best mates after all. She felt positively rotten for betraying him.

"I thought you guys were meant to be my best friends?!" Ron shouted, flinging the bag now full of his belongings over his muscular shoulder.

"W-we are..." Hermione whimpered as she began to cry, tears streaming uncontrollably.

"No you're not... best friends actually care about each other..."

"We d-do care!"

"Ha... you went behind my back to snog that git..."

"And you," Ron snarled edging closer to Harry, who had not said a word since he had entered the room, "I don't know why I was ever friends with you. You screamed at me for no reason, broke my sister's heart and then you snog Hermione less than an hour later. You're nothing more than a self-obsessed, lying, pathetic piece of scum!"

And with that Ron was gone. Apparated into thin air, his words however hung in the air like a bad smell, leaving both Harry and Hermione utterly gobsmacked.

For a few minutes, neither of them said a word. They were too shocked at Ron's immediate disappearance. All that could be heard was Hermione's sniffling as she desperately tried to dry her eyes.

She was silently crying as she shuffled into her own bedroom and shut the door pathetically. Harry could then hear her burst into a painful cry, once she was in there.

A cry that broke his heart even more and made him want to go in there and comfort her but he knew that would only make things worse. Harry felt numb. He had just lost his best friend in the whole entire world. But was it worth it?

He wasn't so sure.

Yes, he finally got to have a relationship with Hermione, but it meant that he had chosen romance over his friendship. Hermione over Ron. He was completely torn.

He couldn't handle it anymore. If he stayed in their flat a second longer, listening to Hermione's broken wails, thinking of how he betrayed Ron, he would quite literally break down.

So he disappeared to the first place he could think of. A place that would allow him to forget Ron and Hermione, however it wasn't a place that brought him a significant amount of joy either. He decided to go to Godric's Hollow.

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