The Ins and Outs of Pain

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Things between the three of them had been awkward for days. While Ron still hadn't forgiven Harry for his harsh outburst, Hermione was doing her best to avoid him every way possible.

He found the whole situation to be quite painful. He had opened up to her and told her about his true feelings yet she had simply nodded and walked away. Maybe she was embarrassed? Or she just didn't like him in this way? Either way, he felt deeply saddened.

But he decided it was time to visit the Burrow, most of all Ginny. He had almost forgotten that they were still, in fact, dating, because they hardly ever saw each other. He hadn't seen her since they had had dinner with the Weasleys almost three weeks ago.

Harry felt it was probably the right time to break off their relationship subtly, before she found out about his strong feelings for Hermione. He didn't want to hurt her.

The air was misty and moist when he apparated to outskirts the Burrow. The grass was covered in a thick layer of milky dew. It was winter after all, the scene was actually quite stunning.

Harry approached the derelict, funny shaped house, trying to think of ways he could break it off with Ginny in the nicest way possible. He did care about her vaguely. She had supported him through the battle of Hogwarts and shared his interest in Quidditch. Apart from that, he found her to be rather clingy.

He gave a hollow knock on the front door and none other than the red-headed girl herself answered, dressed in a large over-sized purple jumper and grey joggers.

"Harry!" she shrieked, flinging her arms around his neck affectionately, "What's up?"

Harry detached her grasp gently and gave her a solemn look. Her being so excitable wasn't going to help the situation at all.

"Err... well, I need to tell you something..." He murmured quietly,

She dragged him eagerly inside the house, gripping his hand tightly.

"Come inside first."

Mrs Weasley was also in the kitchen looking flushed. She using multiple charms to tidy up the place. Harry was used to their house looking somewhat shabby; it added a certain charm to it.

"Mum, guess who's here?" Ginny grinned,

Mrs Weasley whipped round immediately, "Oh Harry! Sweetheart, it's good to see you!"

She smiled with an especially jolly tone in her voice. Harry could honestly say that she was one of the few people he would never get tired of. She was the only mother figure he really had.

"Hi Mrs Weasley, how are you?" he asked politely, silently trying to unlatch Ginny from his hand.

"Just fine, dear" She replied, "But I am extremely busy though... someone's got to clean this place."  Harry saw her give Ginny a knowing look, before turning around and continuing to clean.

Ginny then yanked his arm so roughly he thought it might rip out of its socket. She pulled him into the living room, but as she did Harry was walloped with a huge shock.

None other than Ron was sat on the sofa with a huge plate of snacks on his lap, scoffing a plate of biscuits. Typical.

Harry tensed as soon as Ron peered round and met his gaze. Ron stood up almost immediately in disgust and anger,

"What the bloody hell is he doing here?!" Ron cried with a mouthful of biscuit. Ginny frowned,

"Don't talk with your mouth full, god..." she said, repulsed, "Anyway, Harry's here to speak to me so stay out of our way!"

However Ron remained standing, his shoulders rigid. He gave Harry the dirtiest look ever.

"Don't think I'm leaving you alone with that foul git" he retorted, throwing himself back down on the sofa in a grumpy manner.

Ginny groaned, "For god's sake, Ron just go! Harry wants to tell me something."

"And what would that be exactly?" He wondered in a sarcastic voice, "Maybe he's come to tell you that you're jealous of him and that you always have been..."

Harry gulped guiltily. No matter how many times he had apologised to his best friend, those words made him cringe. He couldn't believe he had gone so far.

"Ron!" Ginny shouted threateningly, glaring at him.

"No come on, anything Harry wants to say, he can say in front of me" Ron declared, shooting Harry a sinister look. This was not good.

"Well..." Harry began awkwardly, but after that he wasn't sure how to carry on. He had wanted to break up with Ginny privately, not with Ron in the room giving him a look that pierced through him like a sword.

Also he didn't want to piss him off any more than he already had. But he knew had to tell Ginny the truth, she at least deserved that. He just wasn't sure how to word it. He was so torn.

"Ginny... I err... think we should b-break up" He stuttered quietly, hoping Ron wouldn't be able to hear, but evidently he had.

A large fist collided with the side of Harry's face before he could say anything else. Pain rushed through his skull instantly, causing it to throb.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" Ron screamed, moving Ginny away from Harry protectively, who was gripping his face in pain, "YOU WILL NEVER FIND ANYONE THAT COMPARES TO MY SISTER!"

Ginny gave Ron a somewhat affectionate look for saying that, but then stared at Harry in disbelief. He didn't bear to look at her. His head was still in agony, but nothing worse than what he had experienced before.

"I-I'm so sorry Gin" he explained, not meeting her lost gaze.

Ron was still fuming, his fist clenched and his breathing disjointed.

"Get out..." he snarled, in the same voice that Harry had possessed while he had been angry at Ron. Now the tables had turned.

Harry gave Ginny one more sorrowful look, her eyes were wide and full of tears that were about to fall. He felt as though he had just drop kicked a new born puppy.

He swiveled around quickly and made a swift exit of the Burrow. He felt even more terrible than he had expected. But now he was free. Free to be with Hermione and allow their relationship to blossom. If she actually talked to him that is.

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