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"I don't understand..." Harry muttered shaking his head in utter bewilderment. Hermione and he had stepped out into the kitchen so that they could discuss this properly. But Harry simply couldn't his head around it. 

"We u-used a protection spell..." his voice trailed off as he tried desperately to remember that night, "Didn't we?"

The only thing he could picture was Hermione's totally naked body sprawled out in front of him, everything else was a blur. Harry thought long and hard about the situation. He was going to be a father? Even though he was only eighteen. This was not what he had planned at all.

"M-Maybe we didn't do the spell probably... we were a b-bit caught up in the moment" Hermione explained shyly, turning crimson in the cheeks when she thought back to that night.

He nodded wordlessly in agreement. That probably was the reason. However his confusion was suddenly replaced with anger.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why did you run from me? Why did you keep all of this from me? Why?"  Harry begged, giving her a stern look.

She looked miserable and stared at the floor, "I'm really s-sorry Harry, I just got so overwhelmed... It was a new step in our relationship... A step I don't think I wasn't ready to take" she mumbled, her tears filling with fresh tears.

"You didn't seem to complain before" he replied bluntly.

Her face turned so red, he thought she might actually explode.

"As I said, we were caught up in the moment" she whispered, "But Harry, I've thought about nothing else for the past weeks and... I don't regret it. It wasn't a mistake..." She took his hand in hers and placed it gently on her warm stomach, "This baby isn't a mistake."

Harry gazed deeply into her chocolate eyes that he had so dearly missed, his hand did not move from her stomach.

His mind began to spin out of control; he didn't know what to say. She did care about him. She did want him. She did want his baby and Harry agreed that so did he. He couldn't wish for anyone else to give birth to his child. She loved her. But he also thought about how she had left him brutally and harshly, he didn't deserve that.

So many conflicting emotions were making his head physically hurt.

"I'm... err... going for a walk" he announced, removing his hand from her stomach and exiting from the back door of the Burrow.

As he stepped outside, the cold breeze hit him immediately. This made him shiver and he took a large breath as though trying to clear his busy mind. Harry shoved his hands in his pockets, then began to stroll through the fields that surrounded the Burrow.

After walking aimlessly for a few moments, he halted at the side of a large lake that shimmered in the dim sunlight and stared at his reflection.

Was he really ready to become a father? He hadn't planned on becoming one until he was at least in is late twenties and here he was, not even out of his teen years.But he realised that life has a strange way of changing things. You have to take the cards it deals out to you and Harry had come to accept this.


Harry quickly removed himself from his deep thoughts and whipped round to see the owner of his the voice. It was Ron.

"Yeah..." he said simply, although he wasn't sure if this was exactly true. Ron stood beside him at the edge of the lake looking somewhat lost.

"A dad, eh?" he said uncomfortably.

He knew Ron wasn't pleased with the fact Hermione was pregnant with his child but there was nothing he could do about it now. Ron would just have to come to terms with it, much like he was doing.

"Hmm" Harry mumbled, kicking a few rocks in the water and watching as they rippled the surface and then sunk deeper.

"I'm sorry" Ron said finally, not looking at his best friend, but instead glowering over the fields as the wind brushed through his ginger hair.

"Sorry for what?"

"Well you know... I err... overreacted, I should never have punched you" he admitted.

Harry let a small smile grow on his mouth.

"It's okay, it was a good punch though" he smirked, a light sense of humour in his voice. He glanced up at Ron who was almost smiling in amusement.

Then without saying another word, they both turned and embraced each other in a brotherly hug. Ron was basically like family to him and he would never let himself forget it. Harry was just glad that they were best friends again.

"Ron..." he grinned before pulling away from the hug, "I want you to be the godfather... to this baby I mean"

Ron's eyebrows rose into his forehead, "Wow, are you sure?"

"Of course!" Harry beamed, "You're my best friend"

"Sure, I'd love to" he admitted, looking completely startled by this notion.

And as they both stood at the rim of the lake, hands in pockets and grinning like a pair of idiots. Harry couldn't have felt more wonderfully happy. Happier than he had felt in a long time at least.

He had got his friends back. His two best friends that meant more to him than anything. However he knew that would soon change, this baby, his baby was about to turn his life upside down and Harry couldn't be more excited.

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