A New Era Begins

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"Thanks Mal- err... Draco" Harry muttered awkwardly, as he sat face to face with Draco Malfoy.

It had taken him a fair few weeks to muster up the courage and swallow his pride to come and thank his old arch enemy for saving his life.

In fact, it made Harry's insides twist. He strongly disliked Malfoy, even though he was aware of how much he had changed after the war. He may not be a Deatheater anymore but he was still a total git.

The blonde wizard nodded politely, "We're even now Potter."

Harry's forehead creased at this remark, as he didn't have a clue of what he was on about, "What?"

Malfoy sighed in annoyance, "You saved my life... in the room of requirements remember?"

Memories of him flying through the room, engulfed with fire, on his broom rushed back through Harry's mind. The moment he reached down and pulled Malfoy from the hot flames. He certainly remembered now.

"Now that we're even, I never have to see your face again Potter, I owe you nothing." Malfoy drawled, before getting up from his desk and beckoning Harry to leave his office.

"Right... well... thanks" Harry said slowly, processing this information.

Despite his dislike for Malfoy, he was never going to just let him die, and he supposed that Malfoy felt the same way about him. In a strange way, they had a silent mutual respect for one another.

Upon exiting Draco Malfoy's office, he felt quite weird. The encounter with this old enemy left Harry somewhat bewildered, but he managed to shake it off quickly.

He had more important things to dwell on, such as Hermione and his new baby daughter. He apparated swiftly from the Ministry and back to St Mungo's, where Hermione and Lily were still staying.

The Healers insisted they had stay until they were completely sure they were back to full health.

The horrible tubes had been taken out of Lily three days after she was born and she had grown considerably stronger over the past weeks. She seemed so much healthier now.

As Harry strolled into the small hospital room in which they were occupying, Harry was surprised to find Hermione dressed in her usual clothing rather than a hospital gown. Also she was carrying Lily who was wrapped up in a huge blanket in her arms.

"Guess what?" She grinned, "We're coming home!"

"That's brilliant!" Harry exclaimed, striding over and giving Lily a soft kiss on the forehead. Her emerald green eyes gazed up at him sweetly, making his heart melt. He couldn't believe she had his eyes. He couldn't believe she was his daughter.

"Yeah, Ron's just getting a car for us to travel home in" Hermione explained, also looking down at her baby with pride.

"A car?"

"Well yes... Lily can't go on a side along apparation...you know how much it makes you feel sick"

Harry nodded in agreement. He had to more considerate in the future. He had to put Lily's needs first. Even though apparating would be much quicker and easier, Harry knew that taking a car would be better for his daughter.


The car journey was extremely long and boring. Ron drove as he had experience with driving cars, especially after the magical blue one they had ridden in their second year.

Harry was full of a new level of excitement as they reached their flat.

He and Ron had secretly finished the nursery while Hermione was in the hospital. They had filled it with new toys, clothes and everything a baby would need. Everything had to be simply perfect for his little girl.

"Close your eyes..." Harry whispered to Hermione as they stood outside the nursery door.

"Harry, what are you-"

"Just do it" he chuckled, looking down at Lily who was still cradled in her arms.

He watched as she reluctantly pinched her eyes shut before he swung the door to reveal the luxurious bedroom for Lily.

There were toys piled around the room, some of them even moved and whizzed around through the use of magic of course. He had even enchanted some toy stars to make them twinkle and hung them from the ceiling.

"Oh... Harry..." Hermione breathed, opening her eyes, "It's wonderful."
She stepped inside and glanced round in awe.

"You really like it? Ron helped and I just-"

She cut him off by kissing him gently on the lips. Harry's whole body relaxed in her embrace and his mind wondered off to new places. He would have to get used to this.

They were a family now. A real family. He could actually say he had one for the first time in his life. He was determined to be an amazing dad and would always be there for Lily. He wanted to be the parent he had never had.

He knew that he and Hermione would be great parents though. He knew Ron would be a good godfather as well, just like Sirius had been to him. Things couldn't be better.

As he pulled apart from their kiss, both he and Hermione were grinning like crazy. Ron cleared his throat to make himself known behind them in the doorway.

"Do you like it then Hermione?" he asked, gesturing around the room.

"I do... it's amazing, I couldn't be happier. Thank you so much you two." She smiled.

And as the three of them stood in the nursery, Harry gazed down at their newest addition. His beautiful daughter. She was the beginning of a new era for them all.

He was no longer just Harry Potter the boy who lived; he was Harry Potter; a friend, a lover and most of all... a father.

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