A String Of Apologies

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The following weeks seem to drone on and on for what seemed like forever. Harry had finally managed to become a fully trained Auror and had already been sent on a few exciting assignments. They were only easy ones though, with silly little wannabe death eaters who cowered at the sight of him.

He strangely enjoyed watching their petrified faces when they thought he was about to kill him.

Ron had also made his way to becoming an Auror. Harry tried to smile at him as a way to say 'well done' but was only thrown a dull look as though he wasn't completely invisible.

In other news, he hadn't spoken to Hermione two weeks, but he had heard news that she was staying at the Burrow.

This made his insides twist with jealously, at the fact she had run back to Ron. He didn't know if they were back together or not, but they certainly seemed to have patched things up rather quickly.

Harry had spotted them together one day, sitting peacefully in a café down Diagon Alley sipping their coffees without a care in the world. It seemed they didn't even give him a second thought.

He was alone. Every day he went back to their flat to find it totally empty. Harry wondered how he had reached this point in his life. Where his friends didn't really care about him, they didn't want to speak to him or even look at him... But had he actually done everything wrong?

Sure, he had hurt Ron by shouting at him, but he had apologised hundreds of times. And he had heartlessly broken up with Ginny right in front of him, but it wasn't his fault that he didn't love her anymore. And as for Hermione, he hadn't done anything but love her, yet she seem to not want anything to do with him anymore.

Well Harry had finally had enough.

So one day, without really thinking it through, he hastily apparated to the Burrow straight after work and intended to make amends with each of them, whether they accepted it or not. He just couldn't stand being alone anymore.

He knocked on the wooden door firmly and was somewhat relieved when Mrs Weasley was the one to open it, a huge smile painted across her face.

"Oh Harry! Sweetheart! How lovely it is to see you" she grinned, pulling him into a gentle hug.

He beamed, "Hi Mrs Weasley, it's great to see you... a-are they in?"

Her smile dropped and she gave him a troubled look, "They told me about what happened..."

Harry sighed and explained to her that he wanted to make things right again, so she welcomed him inside. He could always count on Mrs Weasley to help him out.

However he was not prepared for the next step and to his dismay, he found them all gathered in the front room. Ginny, Ron and Hermione.

Facing all of them at once wasn't what he had exactly planned, but it didn't really matter. He had to get it over and done with.

As he entered, every face turned to look at him swiftly.

Hermione was first to speak, "Harry..." she began softly. He stopped her.

"Let me speak" he started, holding his hand up before any of the others could say a word, "I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry for everything I've done..."

He turned to Ron first, who looked rather shocked at his sudden decision to make some sort of speech. He noticed a faint blush in his ears.

"Ron, I didn't mean to angry with you... maybe I was just angry at myself and you were the only one I could blame. It wasn't your fault and I should have never said all of those things, I've always had trouble with controlling my anger though, right?" Harry smirked lightheartedly.

He then swiveled around to Ginny, who looked quite overwhelmed with Harry's string of apologies.

"Ginny, I am sorry. You know I am... I will always care about you, but I didn't feel our relationship was going anywhere and it wasn't fair to keep stringing you along. You need to find someone who loves you the way you deserve because... you're just amazing."

Ginny blushed, much like Ron and Harry could see the tears fill her eyes, tears of happiness and understanding of course, which comforted him and made him feel stronger.

Then he looked over at Hermione and took a deep inhale of breath. She gave him a sorrowful look before smiling weakly at him for encouragement.

"Hermione... I'm honestly not sure what I did to you. I showed my true feelings for you and you left. Now I've realised the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said or explained. I haven't stop thinking about you; you're my best friend and I-"

At that moment Hermione stood up from the sofa and giggled softly under her breath. He didn't understand what was so funny, and so tilted his head in confusion.

"Oh Harry..." she breathed "I'm the one who should be apologising, I'm sorry I left without a real explanation, I'm sorry I got overwhelmed with so many emotions and I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk to you for these past weeks... that was wrong of me..."

She paused and took a step towards him. He wondered what was about to happened but never in a million of years could he have predicted what it actually was.

"There's something I need to tell you..."
Harry's body tensed. What was she about to say? That she loved him or that she only thought of him as a friend?

So many possibilities rushed through his mind, but none of them were correct. In fact, Hermione's next words made his heart drop into his stomach.

"Harry... I'm pregnant..."

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