The Most Beautiful Thing In The World

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When Harry finally opened his eyes, he found himself in a hospital ward. He wasn't exactly sure what had happened? Had Malfoy really saved him? How did he end up here?

All he knew was that his vision was bleary, his whole body ached and his head was throbbing mercilessly. However his mind instantly snapped to Ron and Hermione and above all... their baby.

Where were they? Were they okay? What had happened to them?

He glanced around the ward frantically; however they were nowhere to be seen, only a few random Healers who were darting around to other patients. One of them healers rushed over to him quickly as they saw him stirring.

"Mr Potter, how are you feeling?" she asked tentatively, examining his damaged body.

"Fine..." he grumbled, "W-where's Ron and Hermione?"

The Healer gave him a worried look that made his heartbeat quickened rapidly, "They're alright, aren't they? Tell me they're okay..."

"Mr Weasley is completely fine, just a nasty bump on the head and Miss Granger is doing well... however there were a few... err... complications involving the-"

Harry bolted up so quickly that a wave of sharp pain rushed over him making him wince. But he chose to ignore it, this was more important.

"The baby... tell me that baby is alright!" he shouted, angered that he was not able to move out of the bed without being in a lot of pain.

The healer hesitated slightly, before speaking again, "Miss Granger suffered a placental abruption due to her fall... The b-baby had to be delivered immediately..."

Harry's throat bubbled with emotions as he held back the tears of fear, sadness and anger. He had missed the birth of his first child? Was it going to be okay? He intended to find out and soon.

He jumped out of the bed carelessly, ignoring the agonizing pain that flooded over his entire body.

"M-Mr Potter... I don't think that's a good idea..."

"What room is she in? Where is my baby?" He demanded at the frightened Healer. He knew he shouldn't be taking his anger out of her, but he was just so desperate to find Hermione and their baby.

"R-room 3, out the corridor and to the left" she managed to stutter.

Harry nodded and ran as fast as his pained, frail body could carry him. He didn't care about the soreness though, all he cared about was seeing if his baby were okay. It had to be okay. If something had happened to his child, he would blame himself entirely.

Harry burst into the hospital room to find Hermione, looking utterly drained and pale slumped in a bed. She looked pasty and weak but that wasn't what caught his attention.

As beside Hermione was their baby, enclosed in an incubator with many tubes going into it.

He stopped so abruptly as the emotion that hit him made him go weak at the knees. He couldn't believe it, he was a dad.

"Hi..." Hermione whispered, her voice coming out raspy and soft, "Come and see her..."

Her. He had a daughter. A beautiful little girl.

He edged forward so slowly, apprehensive and extremely scared.

He didn't think his heart could take seeing his little girl with so many tubes surrounding to her small body. She was premature after all and even magic could only do so much for her.

Besides, Hermione being muggle-born was much more accustomed to their treatments, so he assumed she would have decided upon this.

As he reached the bedside, he gazed down at her. His daughter.

She was more beautiful than he could ever have imagined, but she was so, so tiny. She was two and a half months early after all. Harry watched as her fragile chest moved up and down as she breathed.

Warm tears began to roll heavily down his cheeks.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" Hermione breathed, not taking her eyes of Harry.

He nodded, but did not manage to reply. His heart was so overwhelmed with pure happiness, but so much sadness at the same time.

"I-is she going t-to be okay..." Harry asked after moments of just staring at her.

"She's very weak, but they said that she'll be fine" Hermione smiled weakly, as she joined Harry in gazing at their gorgeous baby girl.

"And what about you... are you okay?" he asked Hermione, eyeing her weary face.

Hermione nodded gently, "I'm so tired..."

"Well... get some rest, I'll be right here..."

However there was not time for that as just then, there was a gentle knock on the door and Ron's head peaked around it. His head was bandaged up and there were several bruises over his face.

"Can I come in?" he murmured shyly,
Harry nodded, not moving his eyes from his daughter.

Ron shuffled in and sat down besides where Harry was stood and also peered at their baby.

"Wow..." he beamed, "She's lovely, congratulations..."

"Cheers..." Harry replied, engorged with pride.

"So, you gonna tell me her name now?" Ron wondered hopefully, looking between his two best friends in anticipation.

He had been dying for them to give him hints for months and Harry let out a soft chuckle as he glanced at how eager Ron seemed. Harry then looked up at Hermione whose eyes were only just open, she nodded silently in approval.

"Okay, Ron... Meet Lily Amelia Potter..."

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