They Meet Again

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As the months passed, Harry worked continuously hard to earn extra Galleons so that he could support his growing family. Even Ron had been doing over time so that he too could chip in on the expenses for the new baby, which Harry greatly appreciated.

Hermione was just about to go on maternity leave from her job and things were coming along nicely for them both. It seemed that his life finally had a direction and he was in control of what was going to happen.

He no longer felt trapped or set back by the weight of the guilt he had been subjected to after the war. His future was bright for the first time in his entire life.

Harry stared intently at a photo of his parents that he kept close on his office desk. There was a dull ache when he thought about how they would never get to see their grandchild be born or grow up.

They would never get to hold him or her in their arms and look down with pride. However he knew they could see him somehow and most of all he knew they would be proud.

Harry was just about to finish his day at work that seemed to have dragged on forever and was ready to go home to meet a grumpy, overly emotional Hermione.

She was different now that she was pregnant. She would be much snappier and would cry over stupid things, like not being able to reach the top cupboard in the kitchen.

He thought it was sweet though. But soon Harry was brutally torn from his blissful thoughts as a panicked shout came from his boss,

"Potter! Come quick!" Lorpin shouted, bursting into his office,

"They've broken in, the whole ministry is under threat!"

Instantly, Harry knew exactly who he was talking about. Deatheaters.

Without any hesitation, He jumped to his feet immediately, pushing his desk back and began sprinting towards the large, main entrance of the Ministry departments.

To his utter horror, it was absolute chaos.

Spells flying from every single direction, people were screaming and running in fear, whilst some bodies were already sprawled on the floor.

He had never expected it to be this bad. Harry had so many questions rushing through his mind, like how did they break in? Or how many of them were there? But there was no time to ponder.

He immediately whipped out his wand and screamed various spells at any Deatheaters he spotted. His heart was pumping furiously against is ribcages; he hadn't felt this much adrenaline since the final battle between him and Voldemort.

"Stupefy!" He cried, watching a green jet of light shoot one of the Deatheaters right in the chest. This is what his training he been leading up to. He was ready for this.

"Reducto!" He shouted again, pointing his wand expertly. A streak of red light narrowly missed his head when he turned around and he had to practically dive on the ground for cover. This wasn't going well.

As more and more people were being hit by their ruthless spells, Harry started to feel increasingly worried.

Were they actually dead? Or just seriously injured? He knew Deatheaters wouldn't hold back and had no reservations in killing innocent people.

These were his colleagues, his friends.

Suddenly his mind snapped to the thought of Ron and Hermione. Where the hell were they? Were they okay? He begged that they would be.

He knew Ron could handle himself, but Hermione was slightly hindered now that she was pregnant.

Harry desperately scanned his eyes through the crowd for them, dodging several spells as he did so. Perhaps everything was okay and Hermione had left early. It was her last day at work after all. Yes, maybe she was at home. She had to be at home.

But no matter how much Harry prayed and prayed that was the truth, he knew it simply wouldn't be. Things were never that easy when it came to him, he knew the worst was still to come.

Abruptly, the sound of the peoples' strangled screams and spells died down. The floor of the Ministry was scattered with crumpled bodies and people tending to their injured friends.

There weren't many Deatheaters to be seen now, but Harry noticed one in particular.

Harry was left frozen as he stared into the face of none other than Fenrir Greyback.

But his heart dropped painfully as he saw who he had his arms clutched around.


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