No Spark

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"How did you know where I was?" Harry queried. Once they had recovered from the initial shock of what had just happened. They abandoned Greyback in the graveyard and found a lovely, warm pub on the edge of town. They had just sat down opposite one another and ordered a Butterbeer each.

"Well... Hermione owled me and said you had disappeared..." she explained, her voice had a certain dullness about it. She was mostly likely still hurt about the fact he had broken up with her so suddenly.

"I remembered that after the war... you always talked about coming back here, so I gave it a shot and just guessed that you might be here..."

Harry found it quite strange how Ginny remembered that. Such small details about him and she made the effort to remember them. It was sweet.

"The question is... why did you come find me?" He asked, very confused yet grateful that she had.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay of course... good job I did..." she mumbled, rolling her eyes in an annoyed way.

Harry's forehead creased with bewilderment. He had broken her heart and totally pissed off her brother, yet she still cared about whether he was okay or not. It didn't make sense to him.

"But why?" He questioned again, "I thought you would still be angry at me."

Ginny gave him a pained looked as though she was slightly embarrassed. She then began to blush furiously, which immediately reminded Harry of Ron.

"I am angry, but I... well... I still love you" she said simply.

Those words. Those three little words caused his head to spin into a manic blur. Even though, he had been a terrible friend to Ron and carelessly broken off their relationship, she still had strong feelings for him. He was totally caught off guard and utterly speechless.

How was he supposed to respond to that?

After minutes of silence, he sighed deeply trying to get his head around the idea. Did he love her?

Harry wasn't sure that he had ever truly loved Ginny. I mean they had dated for a while before and after the war but it was somewhat meaningless, to Harry anyway. It was just a petty relationship that he never really valued.

He thought of her as a good friend and that was all. He guessed after years of her ogling him, he finally decided to give her a chance. But he most definitely wouldn't call that love. Love is what he felt for Hermione.

He didn't know how to reply to Ginny's meaningful words, so he sat staring at her dumbfounded for a while, whilst also running his fingers through his messy, black hair and taking a huge breath.

"Well... thank you for saving me..." he said firmly, unable to meet at her hopeful expression.

Then he gulped down the reminder of his Butterbeer in quite a rush and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Ginny frowned,

"Home, I guess..."


He didn't want to go home though because he didn't want to see Hermione crying again. He didn't want to hear her sobs as she thought about how much she had hurt Ron. But what other choice did he have? It was either go home to Hermione or stay here awkwardly with Ginny.

Ginny hauled herself up after Harry and to his utter shock, magical mistletoe grew out of nowhere on the ceiling above their heads. He didn't know why it had happened, but he didn't like where it was going. The tension between them grew.

Ginny's eyes darted up and she smiled softly. She was giving Harry a willing look as though waiting for him to kiss her. He didn't want to.

However, he didn't want to reject her harshly because he felt she had suffered enough. So eventually he decided to do the gentlemanly thing and bent down, giving her a small peck on the lips.

There was no spark, not like his kiss with Hermione. That kiss was full of passion and romance; this kiss was merely filled with more blatant awkwardness.

"I'll see you around then Gin..." Harry smiled weakly at her. She was gawking at him sweetly, her cheeks dusted with a bright shade of pink.

He then briskly made his out of the pub and apparated in a flash back to his flat.

Not to his surprise, he found Hermione curled up on the sofa, her knees to her chest, cradling herself. She swiftly looked up as he snapped in. Her eyes were puffy and red from all the crying, causing Harry's heart to skip a beat. He had done that to her.

"Oh Harry, I've been so worried! Where the hell were you?" She whimpered, "I even owled Ginny to see if you were with her..."

"Ginny and I broke up, remember?" he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He desperately wanted to spill all the details about what had happened with Greyback and Ginny, but for some reason he decided against it.

"I just needed a walk..." he murmured, strolling over and plonking himself next to her,

"I-I wonder if Ron's okay..." she breathed, her voice trailing off. He saw her eyes water slightly, "We really hurt him Harry."

He knew this was true. He knew that it would take a while for Ron to forgive them both, most of all him. He didn't want Hermione to cry again.

So instinctively, he moved in closer and slowly wrapped an arm around her, before gently kissing her soft forehead.

"Don't worry" he whispered, "Everything's going to be alright..."

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