An Unlikely Hero

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"Ah! Harry Potter..." Greyback grinned menacingly, "We meet again..."

He snarled like a ravenous dog, his pointed teeth coming out of his mouth. Harry wasn't frightened of him; he was just scared of what he might do to Hermione.

Harry's eyes did not move from Hermione's panicked expression, as Greyback had his hand clutched across her mouth to prevent her from screaming.

"Let her go Greyback!" He growled, lifting his wand to pointing directly at him. He couldn't believe this was happening.

Earlier, he was preparing to go home and have a peaceful night with his pregnant girlfriend and now he was worried for her life.

"And why would I do that?" he barked, a slight smirk growing on his face.

Harry noticed the people who were on the floor, now looked just as horrified by what Greyback was planning to do. But no one was more scared than Harry.

"No... no... I think it's time you learnt your lesson... You may have gotten away from me last time... But I will teach you that no one goes unpunished..."

His grasp around Hermione's face tightened painfully, his yellow fingernails digging into her pale cheeks. She let out a scared whimper, which made Harry's heart drop.

He was instantly thrown back to the memory of Malfoy Manor, in which she had been tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange. He wouldn't let that happen again.

Harry gripped his wand even more firmly, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Or maybe... you could just hand yourself over now... To save your precious little mudblood" Greyback urged, moving his fingers over Hermione's face in a threatening manner.

Harry could not watch this anymore, he had to do something. He glanced between Hermione and the terrified people scattered across the Ministry floor.

"Spectrum Sempra!" He screamed, as a jet of red light shot from the end of his wand towards Greyback. He hadn't used that spell since he had almost killed Draco Malfoy, but anger had simply consumed him.

Greyback released his grip instantly and tumbled to the ground like a stone, landing with a large thud. However the events following this were something Harry had not anticipated.

As Greyback fell, so did Hermione. Her body dropped to the hard marble, floor and to make matter worse she fell roughly on her swollen stomach, smashing her head painfully in the process.

Harry cried out as he feared for Hermione and the baby that was now being crushed underneath her limp body.


Harry glanced up quickly to see the remainder of the Deatheaters, brandishing their wands. He was too shocked by Hermione to react. However another spell came from behind him,


The spell sent one of them flying into the air, before crashing loudly. Harry whipped his head around to see none other than Ron, who had cast the spell and was looking rather triumphant for a second.

However before he could do anything else, multiple spells were cast in his direction from the others Deatheaters, who didn't seem to care about their friend being hit.

Ron, unable to take on all of the spells at once, was also sent flying and hit the wall harshly knocking him out.

Harry's heart dropped again, first Hermione and now Ron.

Harry was on his own.

He instantly began shouting random spells at the Deatheaters who had hurt his best friends.

He blocked most of the blows, before one suddenly crashed right into his chest, causing him to drop to the floor in agony. His wand to roll away from him as his hand went limp.

This was it... Harry knew that there was no escaping this time. Ginny was not here to save him this time. Neither was other any of his friends. No one was...

But he was sorely mistaken.

From the silence, a bright white light shone from behind him and all of the remaining Deatheaters instantly fell to a heap on the floor.

Harry twisted his head painfully to see who his savior was this time. However nothing could have prepared him for the surprise of who was standing over him,

A blonde wizard, who had been his sworn enemy throughout his years at Hogwarts, strolled towards him and crouched down with a fearful expression etched on his face.

"Malfoy?" Harry spoke in a puzzled tone, before he fell into an overwhelming darkness.

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