An Old Enemy

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Harry had forgotten about how beautiful Godric's Hollow could be, especially at winter time. The houses surrounding it seemed as if they belonged on a Christmas card. The cobbled road glistened in the moonlight and the trees were bombarded with sparkling Christmas lights.

He hadn't visited since his unforgettable trip with Hermione during their Horcrux hunt, when they had encountered Nagini. A night he knew he wouldn't be able to remove from his mind for some time, as it frequently played a part in his nightmares.

As he casually strolled between the rows of houses, he soon noticed the graveyard. He seriously debated whether or not he should go in. He was feeling awful enough already; he wasn't sure if seeing his parent's grave would help his depressed mood. But he knew that if he didn't visit them, he would severely regret it.

So, taking a confident breath Harry made his way into the graveyard and quickly pondered over to where his beloved parents laid. He knew its exact location. He had not allowed himself to forget it.

As expected his heart dropped into his stomach as soon as he saw it.

In loving memory of:

James Potter + Lily Potter

Died 31st October 1981.

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

His eyes suddenly stung with hot tears. It was in that moment that Harry missed his parents more than ever. He wanted to hug them, talk to them, and share with them all of his problems.

The pain that he could never do this meant that his tears began to drip even more heavily down his face.

He wanted them to assure him that he was a good person and that it wasn't his fault that his best friends now hated him. Of course Harry knew it was completely and utterly his fault.

Why on earth had he decided come here?

He had wanted to cheer himself up, not cause himself more pain that before. He just had expected it to be so emotional. Oddly, the pain was still raw. As though they only died a few moments ago. But it had been eighteen years.

He wiped the wetness of his cheeks on his jumper and tore his eyes away from their gravestone. He couldn't bear to stare at it any longer.

However as he did this, his gaze was met with a dark silhouette of a man, who lurking in the distance. He was tall and Harry couldn't make his face. That was until the person strolled forward from the shadows, revealing his identity.

To his horror, it was a person he knew all too well. Fenrir Greyback.

The most savage werewolf ever to live and well known Death eater. He had fought in the war also, on the side of Voldemort of course. He destroyed anyone who stood in his way, even some of his friends like Lavender Brown. He was also happened to be the one who had turned Professor Lupin into a werewolf.

The death eaters had not given up after the war; in fact they were even more determined to kill Harry after he had defeated their precious Dark Lord. How could Harry have been so stupid as to forget this? Had he not learnt anything at all?

He froze.

"Well, well, well... look who it is..." Greyback growled like a hungry dog, smirking at Harry's worried expression, "Harry Potter... Conqueror of the Dark Lord..."

His menacing smirk grew. This was not good.

Harry merely stared at him, desperately trying to look calm. He was not going to let Greyback intimidate him.

"What do you want Greyback?" he spat, not taking his eyes of him.

Greyback laughed ominously. Then before Harry could say anything else, he lunged forward and latched his hand against Harry's throat, pinning him up against a nearby tree.

"I want you... dead" He breathed; face crazed becoming more crazed as his hand tightened round Harry's neck.

"How would it feel, if I was the person who defeated the great Harry Potter, the boy who lived!" He shrieked.

As Greyback's grip closed in on his throat, Harry reached for his wand, however unable to breathe properly let alone cast a spell, Harry knew he was doomed.

He struggled fiercely to be released from Greyback's nasty grasp. But it was seemingly hopeless. He was fierce and a lot stronger than Harry was.

He thought about Hermione and Ron as the oxygen drained from him. He thought of a time when they were happy and laughing, the best of friends. Those were the days that he missed immensely. The days he wished he turn back time and relive. The days that would never happen again, now he was about to die.

Suddenly a bright, red flash erupted from nowhere,

"Reducto!" Harry heard a high-pitch voice shout.

Greyback flew backwards with a startled yelp and crashed hard into a stone wall, leaving him out cold with blood trickling down his forehead.

As he fell to the ground, Harry gasped as oxygen, his lungs filling up once again. He clutched his throat, which now hurt like crazy because of how tightly it had been gripped.

He glanced around frantically to see who had cast the spell that had just saved his life.

It was silent for a few seconds but it was not long until his savior revealed themselves, as none other than Ginny Weasley appeared from the bushes...

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