Careless Mistakes and Painful Regret

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This next morning Harry opened his eyes and found himself moulded to Hermione. His arm slung carelessly over her delicate body as she breathed sweetly beside him. He couldn't think anything more perfect.

Last night was one of the best of his life. What he felt for Hermione was indescribable and at this point in his life, he simply couldn't be happier.

Suddenly it dawned on him. He had woken up normally without having an awful nightmare, something he had been regrettably use to. He had woken up blissfully and with no sign of Voldemort's evil face anywhere in his mind.

Perhaps he was finally free. Perhaps he could move on from the pain of the war because he was now truly happy. No longer did he mope around and ponder over what could have been. The guilt that had consumed him seemed to almost slip away.

Harry's mood soared even more and as he rolled over onto his back, he sighed deeply and embraced his new found joy.

Just then, he felt Hermione stir. She exhaled roughly and her chocolate eyes flickered open. Harry could do nothing but smile widely at her; however she did not return it.

Her forehead creased slightly, before she promptly lifted herself out of the bed without saying a word.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked, ruffling his messy black hair and pushing himself up on his elbow.

Again, she remained quiet, pulling on her fluffy dressing gown. She then made her way into the bathroom, not bothering to look back at Harry.

"Hermione?" he called, frowning thoroughly. Why had she just ignored him like that? After last night, he would have thought she'd be pleased to wake up next to him. But that obviously was not the case.

He swiftly pulled his own weight out of the mound of duvets and halted outside the bathroom door. He knocked on it gently,

"Hermione... what's wrong?" He asked again, quite worried by her behaviour.

"N-nothing" she replied, however her voice seem to break as though she was crying. Harry was so confused. What on earth could be wrong with her? Was it something he had done?

After nearly twenty minutes of him awkwardly waiting, Hermione appeared from the bathroom with tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes. Harry looked into them, trying to figure out what she was thinking. They looked sad and misty.

"I c-can't..." she whimpered.

"Can't what?" He was almost scared because of Hermione's sudden outburst of sadness. She was the complete opposite of herself last night. What had happened between then and now?

"U-us..." she mumbled under her tears. What did she mean? Harry felt his heart pump rapidly against his ribcage. What was she trying to say?

He desperately tried to calm her, but his attempts simply made her more frantic.

"I'm s-sorry Harry..." She whispered. Sorry? What was she sorry for? He was so muddled. However deep down he had an idea of what she was trying to say, but he just didn't want to believe it.

"What do you mean?" he breathed,

"Last n-night, it was a m-mistake... I d-don't-" she stopped before crumbling into pitiful tears once more.

If words could kill, Harry would be in a coffin being lowered into the ground by now. He felt his heart crack so painfully; he had to stop himself from wincing. So many questions rushed through his mind, but all he could do was stare blankly at her.

He was crushed. He loved her. He had given her his love, his virginity, his heart. And she didn't want it. She didn't love him and that hurt more than anything.

Harry's eyes almost welled with tears, but he would not allow himself to cry. How could he have gone from being so wonderfully happy to hopeless and completely heartbroken? It just didn't make sense.

"It wasn't a mistake... y-you don't mean that..." he exclaimed after many moments of agonising silence.

Hermione glance up at him, her eyes red and puffy. Her face was full of sorrow.

"We rushed in to it..." she sniffed, shaking her head dismissively.

"No, we didn't... Hermione, I-"

She put her hand up for him to stop talking, she looked so utterly depressed.

"Don't Harry... please don't" she sighed, "I've got to go..."

Before Harry could ask her where she planned on going, or why she had had such a sudden change of heart, she was gone leaving Harry alone and cold standing in his boxers.

He had lost. Lost everything he could ever imagine. His parents, his godfather, his best friend and now Hermione. Everyone he had ever loved or cared about was gone.

Why did everyone he cared about leave him? Why did things have to be so complicated? Harry's mind ached and his heart throbbed painfully. He felt so saddened; it was as though he was back in the war, ready to face Voldemort again.

He didn't want to give up though, he knew he couldn't. He planned to get Hermione and Ron back whatever it took. He needed too. This war was not over.

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