Sink or Swim Part 1

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"Leo? Donald? Can you hear me?" Tasha asks as she looks at the elevator. The door opens and Leo and Mr. Davenport walked out. "Ah, finally!"

"Mom!" Leo exclaimed, hugging his mom.

"I was so worried!" Tasha says.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Mr. Davenport says, hugging Tasha.

"How did you fix the elevator?" Tasha asks.

"Well, it was incredibly difficult, but in the face of great adversity..."

"I shimmied up the shaft and flipped the emergency switch while he cried," Leo says, cutting off Mr. Davenport.

"I coached him. At least my sprinkler system put the fire out before it spread to the rest of the house." Mr. Davenport says.

"What about the lab?" Tasha asks as the three of them look around the destroyed lab.

"It's worse than I thought." Mr. Davenport says.

"The blast took out everything," Leo says.

"I can't believe your own brother would do this," Tasha says. "He could have killed Leo!" Mr. Davenport gives her a look. "And you."

"My mission specialist desk," Leo says, walking over to his destroyed desk. "Okay, this just got real. I'm gonna hurt Douglas where he lives." He begins to leave the lab but realizes something. "As soon as I find out where he lives."

Mr. Davenport walks over to the melted capsules. "Look at their capsules. There's nothing left." Mr. Davenport says.

"Even Eddy's gone," Leo says.

"Yes!" Tasha exclaimed. Mr. Davenport and Leo look at her. "Yes. He will be missed."

"He was my best friend." Mr. Davenport says.

"I thought I was your best friend," Tasha says.

"No, it was him." Mr. Davenport says.

"What are we gonna do?" Leo asks.

"There's not much we can do." Mr. Davenport says. "The house isn't even ours anymore."

"Speaking of which, the bank wants us out. I'll go gather what's left of our stuff." Tasha says before leaving the lab.

"All your hard work. Millions of dollars worth of equipment. Gone." Leo says.

"All this stuff can be replaced...Adam, Bree, Chase, and Cassie can't. We have to find them before Douglas does." Mr. Davenport says.

"How? They disabled their GPS signals. They could be anywhere by now." Leo says.

On a cargo ship, Adam, Bree, Chase, and I come out from hiding behind some crates after a few men on the ship went into another room. "Well, after the last six hours, I can confidently say there is no ladylike way to sit on an anchor," Bree says.

"What are you complaining about? I had a seagull using my head as a nest." Chase says, pulling a feather from his hair.

"Where are we headed, anyway?" I ask.

"No idea. I can't pinpoint our coordinates without our GPS locators." Chase says.

"I bet we're going to Acapulco. That's where all the cruise ships go." Adam says.

"Adam, we're not on a cruise ship. It's a cargo freighter." Chase says.

"Whatever it is, we're on vacation," Adam says. "Okay? I'm making the most out of it."

"This is not a vacation. We're hiding from the FBI." Bree says.

"And if they find out about us, we'll become government guinea pigs and Mr. Davenport will go to jail," I say.

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