Armed and Dangerous

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In the living room, Leo is searching for something and lifts up the couch with his bionic arm. "Hey! What are you doing?" Douglas says, seeing Leo using his bionic arm.

"Looking for my phone," Leo says. "Perhaps you haven't heard, I'm bionic now."

"Put that down and be..." Leo lets the couch fall to the floor with a thud. "Gentle!" Douglas says. "Look, I know that bionic arm is fun, but you can't just use it whenever you want."

"Oh, but it's okay when you need a pickle jar opened?" Leo says.

"That was an emergency," Douglas says. "You can't have a tuna sandwich without a nice Kosher dill. Having that arm is a huge responsibility, which I thought you could handle. We finally got the government on our side. Do you know what would happen if they found out there was a fifth bionic kid?"

"I would be another hero. I imagine they'd be happy." Leo says.

"Or they would take you away and lock me up. And I can't go back to prison." Douglas says, making Leo give him a look. "There was a farewell party, I gave a speech and it'd just be awkward."

"Okay, I get it. I'll only use my arm when it's absolutely necessary." Leo says.

"Good," Douglas says.

Suddenly, a fly starts buzzing in Leo's face. He tries to swat it away and accidentally shoots a laser sphere, breaking a piece of furniture in the living room. Douglas looks at Leo. "You know, technically, that was the fly's fault."


"Students of Mission Creek, please welcome your bionic super humans!" Agent Graham announces as Adam, Bree, Chase, and I enter the school. Everyone in the hallway claps and cheers for us.

"And our trusty little mascot Chase," Adam says, putting a hand on Chase's shoulder. Chase glares at Adam and removes his hand off his shoulder.

"Now that I'm in charge of the bionic team, I'm gonna be taking them to a whole new level. Believe me, you're going to be seeing a lot more of us." Agent Graham says into one of the news cameras.

"Wow, this is amazing. It's like we're celebrities." Chase says as we sign some autographs.

"We are." Agent Graham says. "And this is just the beginning."

"I can't believe that people are so shallow, they only like us because we're bionic," Bree says. "This is awesome!"

"There you go. One autographed forehead for Pam." Adam says as he signs a girl's forehead. The name Pam was written in big letters on her forehead and Leo gives her a weird look as he walks past her.

"Hey, Janelle," Leo says, walking up to her.

"Hi, Leo," Janelle says. "Oh, hey, Adam!" Janelle walks up to Adam. "Can you help me with my science fair project?"

"Probably not, but I'll give it a shot," Adam says.

"My project is about you," Janelle says.

"Him? Why him?" Leo says.

"Because his bionics are the most impressive. Can you tell me how they work?" Janelle says.

"Uh, yeah, I have a bionic chip in the back of my neck that lets me do stuff, uh, bionically," Adam says.

"I was kind of hoping for a more detailed explanation," Janelle says.

"I was, too," Adam says. The school bell rings. "You know, I'm more of a visual explainer, so maybe we can meet up after school and I can use my eyes to blow stuff up."

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