Face Off

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"And this is the main hallway. This is where a lot of us hang out in between classes." I said to Stefan, the new kid in school, as I showed him around.

"Cool," Stefan says. "Thanks for showing me around."

"Any time," I say with a smile. As we continue to walk further into the hallway, I almost bump into Kyle.

"Kyle!" I say.

"Hey, Cass. How...how have you been?" Kyle says.

"Great. Things have been really great." I say. "I've actually been showing Stefan around. He just moved here from Chicago."

"Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Kyle Montgomery." Kyle says, shaking Stefan's hand.

"Likewise. I'm Stefan." Stefan says.

"How are you liking Mission Creek High?" Kyle asks.

"Oh, it's great. Everyone is so nice here." Stefan says.

"Wait until you meet Principal Perry," Kyle says.

"Who's that?" Stefan asks.

"Only the meanest principal in all of Mission Creek. She pretty much hates everyone. But lucky for you, she's home with a cold." I say.

"Oh," Stefan says.

"But when she is here, I would avoid her at all costs," Kyle says.

"Noted," Stefan says.

"Hey, Cassie!" I hear Chase say.

"Oh, my brothers are calling me. Come on, Stefan, I'll introduce you." I say. "Later, Kyle."

"B...bye, Cassie," Kyle says as I walk over to Adam and Chase.

"Hey, guys. This is Stefan. Stefan, these are my two brothers Adam and Chase." I say.

"Hey, Stefan," Adam says as he and Chase shake hands with Stefan.

"How's it going?" Chase says.

"It's going great. Your sister here is the best." Stefan says.

"Oh, stop," I say with a laugh.

"No, really. She showed me around the school and where all my classes were." Stefan says. "She's also told me a lot about you guys."

"Really? Like what?" Adam says.

"That she has two older brothers named Adam and Chase," Stefan says. Bree walks over to us.

"Guys, you will never believe what just happened. Jake Chambers asked me to go to the winter dance." Bree says.

"Jake Chambers? The Jake Chambers?" Chase says.

"Yes," Bree says.

"Who's Jake Chambers?" Chase asks.

"The only guy who's even talked to me since people found out we were bionic. Apparently, no one wants to date a girl who they think was unveiled at this year's auto show." Bree says.

"Yeah, I hear you. No one wants to date me either." Chase says, making Adam, Bree, and I laugh. Chase looks at Adam. "Oh, really? Well, who are you going to the dance with?"

"No one," Adam says sadly before walking away followed by Chase.

"Cassie, who's this?" Bree asks, looking at Stefan.

"Oh, Bree, this is Stefan. He just moved here from Chicago. Stefan, this is my sister Bree." I say.

"Hi," Bree says, shaking his hand.

Lab Rats Season 3Where stories live. Discover now