The Jet-Wing

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In the kitchen, Mr. Davenport was trying to repair an invention that was damaged during the explosion in the lab. Adam and Leo were in the kitchen watching him while Bree and Chase were sitting on the couch watching a video on Chase's tablet. The invention sparked and Mr. Davenport jumped back.

"Great. Everything in the lab is officially useless, and I don't have any money to repair it." Mr. Davenport says.

"I know my mom didn't marry you for your money, but I haven't been putting up with your antics for nothing," Leo says.

"Mr. Davenport, take your time with the lab. I don't mind staying up here. I mean, it doesn't make up for living in a basement for seventeen years, but it's a start." Bree says.

"We don't have time. Your capsules have regenerative capabilities. They're crucial to your bionic infrastructures." Mr. Davenport explains.

"Huh?" Adam says, confused.

"Let me help you," Chase says. He leans down and says in a deep voice. "Capsule good!" Adam nodded his head in understanding while Chase just rolled his eyes.

"But I haven't been in my capsule all week, and I feel fine," Bree says.

"Well, it's only a matter of time before your bionics go haywire." Mr. Davenport says.

"Do you know when exactly, 'cause I have a haircut on Tuesday, and if I glitch in the chair, I'm just gonna end up lookin' like that train wreck," Adam says, pointing to Chase.

"Look, I get it. I'm short, I look like a lady golfer, and I have a terrible haircut. What else you got?" Chase says.

"How long do you have?" Adam asks, making Bree and Leo laugh.

"Look, the longer you go without your capsules, the more likely you'll glitch." Mr. Davenport says. "So don't use your bionics till I get enough money to rebuild the lab."

"Uh-oh, I feel a glitch comin' on," Adam says. He turns to Chase and punches him.

"Ow! You know what? I feel one comin' on, too." Chase says. He grabs Adam and pushes him off the stool he was sitting on.

"Hey, it's not funny when you hurt me," Adam says, getting up. "It's just rude."


"Okay, everybody. Family meeting time." Mr. Davenport says as he, Tasha, Adam, Bree, and Chase sit in the living room. Adam raises his hand. "Adam, you don't have to raise your hand to speak. Just talk."

"Oh, no, I've got nothin' to say. I was just airing out my pits." Adam says.

"Hey, where are Cassie and Leo? Shouldn't they be here too?" Bree asks.

"Oh, Leo went upstairs to get Cassie. She's still very upset about what happened between her and Kyle. So what I want you guys to do is pretend like nothing ever happened. Don't even mention his name, all right?" Mr. Davenport says.

"Got it," Bree says, shaking her head.

"You know, I gotta give Kyle a piece of my mind or two. I thought he was our friend." Chase says.

"Yeah. Let's go over to his house and beat him up." Adam says. He goes to leave the house but Mr. Davenport stops him.

"Adam." He says. Adam sits back down on the couch. "Look, what Kyle did was very wrong but there is nothing we can do. All we can do is be there for Cassie." They all turn their heads when they see Leo helping me downstairs.

"That's it. There you go. Good Cassie." Leo says. "Hey, guys, look who finally came out of her art room." When everyone looked up at me, they saw that my hair was a little disheveled and my eyes were puffy from crying.

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