Not So Smart Phone

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"Hey, guys, check it out. We just got our first paychecks from Tech Town." Chase says as he and Bree enter the lab. They were in their Tech Town uniforms.

"Nice! What are you gonna spend it on? A video game? New kicks?" Leo says. "A birthday gift for a sibling who wants a video game and new kicks?"

"Nope. I'm gonna open a savings account." Chase says. We all just gave him weird looks while I rolled my eyes and Adam lowered his head in shame.

"I want to like you, but you make it so hard," Bree says.

"And you wonder why people call me the fun twin," I say.

"The job also comes with perks," Chase says. Leo's and mine's eyes widen when Chase pulls out a brand new white colored cell phone. I stood up and took the phone from him and Leo and I just stared at it.

"The new ePhone 7?! Those aren't even out yet! How'd you get one?" I say.

"Well, Cass, as a rising star of the Tech Town empire..." Chase began to say.

"We all got one," Bree says, holding up her new phone. She leaves the lab.

"People are already lined up for the big release Friday. You should've seen the crazed looks in their eyes when I walked by with this thing." Chase says. He sees the crazed look on Leo's and mine's faces as we continue to stare at the phone. "Yup, that's the look."

Leo takes the phone from my hands. "This version's got the new auto-centering feature to help you take better selfies." Leo takes a selfie of himself and when we look at the photo, it turns out horribly. "Yeah, I don't photograph well."

"Point that bad boy over here. You're gonna want to record this perfection." Adam says as he holds an orange bowling ball. Leo starts to record Adam as he prepares to bowl.

"I'm Adam Davenport, and this is Bionic Bowling," Adam says into the phone's camera.

"Adam is six-foot-two, a rare combination of incredible strength and not much else," Leo says. Adam gives Leo a look before getting ready to bowl. Instead of rolling it on the floor, he throws it over his head and knocks down all of the pins that were set up in the lab. Leo, Adam, and I cheered except for Chase.

"Oh, yeah! Ohh!" Leo exclaimed.

"Nice one, Adam!" I say. I grabbed the phone from Leo and started to record Chase once he picked up the bowling ball.

"I'm Chase Davenport, and this is Molecularkinesis Bowling," Chase says.

"A native of Mission Creek, he's only two minutes older than his fun, yet better-looking twin sister. Chase's hobbies include being a tattletale and creeping out girls." I say, making Chase give me a look. I just shrug my shoulders.

Chase puts the ball on the floor and uses his Molecularkinesis to push it, knocking all of the pins except for two. "Oh! Oh, the dreaded 7/10 split! Devastating. Just devastating." I say dramatically. Adam got into Chase's face and pretended to cry. Chase moves the ball with his Molecularkinesis and knocks the rest of the pins down.

Chase looked into the camera and smiled. "You were saying?"

"Oh, it's on!" I say. I handed the phone to Leo and he started recording me. "I'm Cassandra Davenport, but I prefer to be called Cassie or Cass and this is Electrokinesis Bowling."

"Cassie Davenport is Chase's younger twin sister by two minutes. Her hobbies include art, video games, and making fun of her older brother Chase. She may be short, but she is feisty. You do not want to get on her bad side. Especially in the morning." Leo says. I just rolled my eyes at Leo.

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