Brother Battle

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"Adam, stop!" Chase shouts as Adam carries him into the living room.

"I told you, my weight set broke and I need you to be my barbell," Adam says. "And please, don't scream this time, it's distracting."

Mr. Davenport walks into the house. "Adam, put him down. That's how people get hurt."

"Hmm, good point. I should probably stretch first." Adam says. He throws Chase on the floor and leaves.

"Man, I'm so tired of him. So far this week I've been his weight set, his football, and his jump rope." Chase says to Mr. Davenport.

"On the bright side, you've never looked more fit." Mr. Davenport says, patting Chase on the back.

"I'm serious. He's always using his strength to make my life miserable." Chase says.

"Why don't you get even?" Douglas says.

"How? None of my abilities can compete with his strength." Chase says. "And it's hard to torture him with brain teasers when he doesn't have a brain."

"Maybe I can unlock a new ability," Douglas says. "Give you something you've never had before, the upper hand."

"Yes! Let's do it." Chase says.

"Uh, no, let's not. Absolutely finito. Forget it." Mr. Davenport says.

"Why not?" Douglas says.

"Because I said so." Mr. Davenport says. "You live under my roof, you play by my rules. End of discussion." He leaves the living room.

"You live under my roof, you play by my..."

"I can hear you!" Mr. Davenport shouts from upstairs hearing Douglas mock him.

"All right, Chase, my hammies are loose. I'm ready for round two." Adam says, walking into the living room.

"Uh, uh, uh, Mr. Davenport said you can't bench press me anymore," Chase says.

"Yeah, but he didn't say anything about you being my shot-put. Come on, let's go for gold!" Adam says. Chase runs away. "Starting with sprints. I like it." He runs after Chase.


"Douglas, you have to unlock a new ability for me. Adam just put on boxing gloves and tried to hook me to the ceiling." Chase says running into the living room where Douglas is sitting on the couch watching TV.

"I'm sorry, Donny said no," Douglas says. "But look, I feel your pain. When we were kids, he'd push me around all the time. Then I outgrew him."

"Then you got the upper hand?" Chase says.

"No, he invented a robot to beat me up," Douglas says. "Fisto Roboto was as cruel as he was calculating."

"Well, if you know what it's like then why won't you help me?" Chase says, sitting next to Douglas.

"Sorry, Chase, he said no. And I've got to stay on his good side or else he'll cut off my allowance." Douglas says. Chase gives him a look. "I'm saving up to buy a car. You know, in case I have to live in it."

"You know what? Fine, I get it. Mr. Davenport is smarter and older and he controls you." Chase says, standing up.

"He doesn't control me, he just tells me what to do and when to...okay, you're on!" Douglas says, jumping up from the couch. "Let's unlock a new ability. But first, grab a bat. You and I are gonna pay a little visit to Fisto Roboto."

"Yes!" Chase exclaimed as he and Douglas left the living room.

In the lab, Leo was sitting in a chair while I was sitting at his desk drawing in my art journal when Bree walked in. "I am so glad to be home. I just worked a twelve-hour shift at Tech Town." Bree says as she sits in a chair next to Leo.

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