You Posted What?! Part 1.

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"Guys, the rupture is getting worse," Bree says as she, Adam, Chase, and I stand at the mission site, where a broken pipe is releasing gas into the air.

"That's natural gas. We have to fix that leak or it'll explode." Chase says. "Go check the rest of the pipeline for cracks."

"On it," Bree says as she super speeds away.

"Oh, we have to move fast. The whole pipe is unstable." Chase says as he scans the pipe.

"You ever wonder what it'd be like if we weren't bionic? What's like the first thing you'd do?" Adam says.

"Not get trapped in these stupid conversations," Chase says.

"I think I would travel the world and see different museums. I've always wanted to go to the Smithsonian in DC." I say.

"Nice," Adam says. "But you know what I would do if I wasn't bionic? Try to become bionic." Adam says.

"Can we just do this?" Chase says.

"Fine. I'll seal the crack with my heat vision." Adam says.

"Yes, let's shoot blistering heat at highly flammable gas," Chase says.

"I just said that. Were you not listening?" Adam says.

"Just let me contain it with my force field first," Chase says. He creates a force field around the crack. "All right, it's only gonna hold it for a few seconds. Go."

Adam uses his heat vision to seal the crack. "Pipe's secure." Bree super speeds back.

"Checked out two hundred miles, seventy of which had poison oak," Bree says, pulling a leaf from her hair.

"All right, let's get out of here," Chase says.

"All right, grab on," Bree says.

"Actually, I'm gonna take the bus," Chase says.

"Me too," Adam says.

"Later," I say as the three of us run away from Bree.

As soon as we were gone, we didn't notice that someone was watching us. A dark-haired girl was filming us from a distance with her phone and captured everything that happened on our mission.


"What's everybody looking at?" Bree asks as we walk into school while everyone in the hallway is looking at their phones.

"A new viral video. Guess what it's called. The world's first bionic humans." Perry says.

"What?!" Chase and I both say.

"Wait, there are other bionic people?" Adam says. "Then why are we working so hard?"

"She's talking about us," Chase says.

"Yeah, look," Perry says, showing us the video of our mission on her tablet.

"That's yesterday's mission," Chase says.

"Somebody filmed us," I say.

"You're secret's out. Everybody is gonna know you're bionic." Leo says.

"Never mind that. Now I can't blackmail daddy big bucks anymore. My gravy train just ran right off the tracks!" Perry says.

"Everyone's looking at us," I say as the students in the hallway continue to look at us.

"Hey, quit your staring! Scram! So they're bionic. Get to class before they mow you down with their finger missiles." Perry says, scaring the students off.

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