Rise of the Secret Soliders Part 1

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Christmas and New Years had passed. A lot has happened while we were on break for the holidays. Stefan and I officially became boyfriend and girlfriend and he gave me a diamond heart necklace to commemorate our time together. We shared our first kiss under the mistletoe and I've been over the moon excited since then. I told everyone about the news and they were super excited. Especially Bree. When Stefan and I were sharing our first kiss under the mistletoe, Kyle came over and saw us.

He looked devastated and ran out, leaving his present for me on the driveway. For the past two weeks, I've been going back and forth contemplating if I should open the present or not. I've been feeling so guilty about what happened that I tried to call him but he never answered. I want to explain to him about me and Stefan and maybe even possibly talk about what happened to him while he was under Blake's spell but it's like he's ignoring me. I've been calling him and texting repeatedly hoping he would answer but I have been getting nothing but his voicemail and empty texts.

I was in the living room pacing back and forth while I tried to call Kyle for the twentieth million time since I woke up this morning. Adam, Bree, and Chase were sitting at the kitchen counter eating some snacks. "Come on, Kyle. Pick up." I muttered.

"Cass, would you stop pacing? Kyle isn't going to answer. How about taking a break, huh?" Chase says.

"No, not until I make things right," I say. When I get Kyle's voicemail yet again, I groan in frustration and throw my phone on the couch. "This is getting ridiculous. Eventually, he's going to have to talk. He can't keep ignoring me forever." I walk over to the counter and eat a piece of grape.

"Just give him some time. I'm sure Kyle will come around when he's ready." Bree tries to reassure me.

"Have you opened Kyle's present yet?" Adam asks.

"No. I think I'm just gonna wait a little while until things with Kyle have calmed down a little." I say. "I'm just worried for him. Krane is still out there. What if he tries to go after Kyle again?"

"Cass, Krane, S-1, and Blake are locked up in an isolated facility. There's no way they could get out. Kyle is going to be fine. We won't let anything happen. I promise." Chase says.

"Then why do I feel like something horrible is going to happen today?" I ask Chase.

"Like what? Did you have another vision?" Bree asks.

"No. It's just this feeling. I don't know what's going to happen but it's bad." I say.

"Well, then, whatever it is, we'll be ready for it. Like we always are." Chase says. That's when Leo walked into the house.

"Good news, my famous bionic peeps! Your new PR guy came through big time." Leo says, putting a box of magazines on the table.

"Please tell me it's not another celebrity game show. We always lose." Chase says.

"Probably because one of us always hits the buzzer too soon, and doesn't know the answer," Bree says, looking at Adam.

"In my defense, I thought hitting the buzzer was the right answer," Adam says.

"You remember that big magazine interview I got you guys? The article just came out, thanks to yours truly." Leo says. "Leo Dooley of Dooley Entertainment, a subsidiary of LeoCorp."

"Awesome!" Chase says, running over to Leo.

"Cool!" Adam says, following behind him.

"Sweet!" I say as I walk behind my brothers.

"Wait, I wanna see!" Bree says as we each take a magazine. "Wait, the reporter interviewed all of us. Why is Adam the only one on the cover?"

"This whole article makes it sound like he's in charge. Adam Davenport is the bionic team's leader, strong man, and all-around superstar?" Chase reads from the article.

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