Adam Steps Up

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"All right, listen up, guys. We're introducing a new element to training...the bionic battle." Chase says as he, Bree, Leo, Spin, a group of students, and I stand in the training area. "Each week, two of you will be pitted against each other in a physical challenge," Chase says.

"To the death?" Spin says.

"Yes, Big D built this multi-million dollar facility to train you and house you just so we could pick you off one by one," Leo says.

"So each week's winner will earn points toward advancing to the next bionic skill level. And the loser gets...well, humiliated." Chase says.

"Spin, since you're the youngest, you get to choose an opponent first," I say.

"Yes. Scared? Ya should be." Spin says to the students and makes a scary face.

"No, no. This isn't about scaring people. No one's going to get hurt." Chase says just as a basketball is thrown at him from behind. Bree, Chase, and I walk into the common area to find Adam, Bob, and other students playing basketball.

"What are you doing?" Chase asks Adam.

"We're throwing this thing at that thing. I'm an athlete." Bob says.

"Adam, you're a mentor now. You have to start acting like one." Bree says.

"I am. We're supposed to teach them how to use their abilities. So...we're havin' a bionic slam dunk contest." Adam says.

"Incoming!" Bob yells jumping to the basket with the ball and hangs from the net.

"Bob, get down from there," Bree says.

"Sorry, little lady. No can do." Bob says.

"Why not?" Bree says.

"Because I'm afraid of heights," Bob says.

"But you can levitate," I say.

"Oh, I'm good going up. It's the going down part that never ends well." Bob says.

"I'll have to use my Molecularkinesis to get him down," Chase says.

"Or you could just use a ladder," I say.

As Chase walks over to Bob, he uses his Molecularkinesis to get Bob down. Bob starts to scream and as he falls on top of Chase, the net also falls on both of them.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Bob. That ended very well." Adam says.


"Okay, Tasha. I got it, honey. Okay, now you're just growling." Mr. Davenport says as he walks into the training room with his phone.

"Trouble in paradise?" Bree asks Mr. Davenport as he hangs up the phone.

"I've just been so busy with the academy, I haven't been able to spend any time with Tasha." Mr. Davenport says.

"And she's complaining about that?" Adam says. I just zapped him in the arm for that comment.

"Hey, Mr. Davenport, why don't you go back to Mission Creek for a couple of days? We can handle things here." Chase says.

"Thanks, but there's too much going on here. Tasha will just have to wait." Mr. Davenport says.

"Hey, Big D, what are you and mom doing for your anniversary tonight?" Leo says as he walks into the training room.

"Anniversary...I'll call you from the mainland." Mr. Davenport gasps as he runs out of the training area.

Once Mr. Davenport had left, we went to hang out in the common area. "Hey, is Mr. Davenport gone yet?" Adam asks when he sees us in the common room.

"Yep. The hydro loop just left." I say.

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