Zip It

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"Come on, Bree. We're going home now. Time to get your things out of your locker." Chase says as he, Adam, and I follow Bree to her locker. Adam and Chase have been more annoying than usual. They have been bothering me and Bree all day. They were bugging us during class, during lunch time and I was getting pretty frustrated.

"Yeah, it's not like we're waiting for you to open your locker or anything." Adam says. "I mean, open it."

"Will you guys leave us alone?" I say.

"Yeah, can we go two minutes without you two hovering around us?" Bree says.

"Bree, with an attitude like that it's a wonder you don't get pranked more often," Adam says, making Chase hit his arm. They walk away.

"I'll meet you outside," I say. Before I could leave, I was stopped by the blonde girl Kyle had been hanging out with.

"Hey, wait. You're Cassie Davenport, right?" She says. I just rolled my eyes and turned to face her.

"Yes," I say.

"Wow. It's so nice to finally meet you. Kyle has told me so much about you." The girl says.

"Hopefully not everything," I muttered under my breath.

"I'm Blake." Blake holds out her hand to shake mine.

"Hi," I say, shaking her hand.

"I just moved here from DC. My dad is in the military so we move around a lot." Blake says.

"Oh, well, welcome to Mission Creek High," I say, pulling on a fake smile.

"Thanks," Blake says. "You know, Kyle has been showing me around. This place is amazing. Everyone is so nice here. Well, except for that Principal Perry. She can be a little..."

"Mean?" I say.

"Yeah," Blake says.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it. We all did." I say.

"Blake." I hear Kyle say as he walks over to her.

"Oh, hi, babe," Blake says, giving him a small kiss on the lips. "We should probably start leaving now if we wanna catch that movie."

"Oh, right. Well, Cassie, it was very nice meeting you. We should hang out sometime." Blake says, holding Kyle's hand.

"Yeah, we totally should," I say.

"See you later," Blake says.

"Bye," I say. As Blake walks out of the school, I share a look with Kyle. A look of guilt crossed his face. He was about to say something but Blake called out his name. He does a little hand wave and leaves the school. I looked over at a trash can that was next to me and knocked it down with my foot before leaving the school.

Bree was still at her locker when Caitlin walked up to her. "Hey, Bree, you know how you've always said you wanted to work a part-time job with me?" Caitlin says.

"I never said that," Bree says.

"Just agree with me, Bree. It'll be over quicker." Caitlin says. "Anyway, today's your lucky day because I just started my work study at Tech Town and they're hiring."

"What's Tech Town?" Bree asks.

Caitlin gasps. "It's the only most awesome store in the mall. They make you work weekends, but what do you have going on, anyway?"

"I don't know if I wanna work at an electronics store," Bree says. When she tries to open her locker, her fingers get stuck. "What the..." Adam walks over to her and takes a picture of her stuck to her locker.

Lab Rats Season 3Where stories live. Discover now