Which Father Knows Best

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"Well, Bree, you smashed your chip so badly, it's useless, but I was able to replicate my brother's original chip, and like my face, it's flawless." Mr. Davenport says as we stand in the lab.

"Forget the chip. We need to get this dude a mirror." Leo says, making me laugh.

"Wait, so I'm actually gonna be bionic again?" Bree asks.

"Yeah." Mr. Davenport says.

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Bree says as she hugs Mr. Davenport.

"Your chip's almost ready." Mr. Davenport says as a machine beeps.

"Ooh, snacks are done," Adam says walking over to the machine.

"For the last time, this is not a microwave. It's a chip fabricator." Mr. Davenport says.

"Hey, call it whatever you want. I'm still making my mini pizzas in here." Adam says.

"Okay, Bree, hop in your capsule and get ready for your new chip." Mr. Davenport says. He hands Bree her chip and she gets in her capsule.

"You know, Big D, if this works, maybe you can make a chip for me," Leo says.

"Please. Your body can't handle high-fiber cereal." Mr. Davenport chuckles. Bree steps out of her capsule. "So? How does it feel?"

"Like a piece of metal just got jammed into my neck and fused to my nervous system," Bree says.

"Whoo! Success! All right." Mr. Davenport says. "Now give it a try, see how it works."

"Okay," Bree says as she walks to the middle of the room. She attempts to use her super speed and ends up on the ceiling for a few seconds, destroying some pipes, and ends up on the floor.

"Well, at least she's still more useful than Chase," I say, making Chase glare at me.


"You know, technically speaking, your bionics are working." Mr. Davenport says as Adam sets Bree down on a stool.

"You call this working?!" Bree exclaimed in a distorted deep voice. She then says in a high-pitched voice, "I can't control my vocal manipulation. I can't control anything." I start laughing at Bree's changing voices.

"I know I shouldn't be laughing, but this is hilarious." I chuckled.

"Shut it," Bree says in a deep demonic voice, making me hide behind Chase.

"Y...yes, ma'am. I'm so sorry." I stammered.

"I'm so close. It just needs a few tweaks." Mr. Davenport says. He puts a neck brace around Bree.

"Guys, we're in big trouble if he can't fix her," Chase says as he pulls me and Adam to the side. "We need her speed and agility for missions."

"Well, maybe we'll just find someone to replace her," Adam says.

"We can't just replace her," I say.

"You're right. Let's just forget about her and move on. She's dead to me." Adam says. He makes a sad face.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"I miss Bree!" Adam bawls. I just pat Adam on the shoulder.

"No offense, Big D, but if your brother's the one who created her original chip, then maybe we should just call..." Leo began to say but Mr. Davenport cut him off.

"No, forget about it. I never wanna see that waste of space again." Mr. Davenport says.

"But he's our only hope, and he's not all bad," I say. "He did save us from Krane."

Lab Rats Season 3Where stories live. Discover now