Scramble the Orbs

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"Hey, Adam. Attack me." Leo says as he and Adam stand in the lab.

"Oh, no, no, no. I know how this works. First, you tell me to attack you, I say no, and then you taunt me till I snap. It's not gonna happen." Adam says. Leo throws a water bottle at Adam's chest. "Oh, it's on, little man!" Adam tries to attack Leo, but two floating orbs appear behind Leo and fire a laser at Adam, knocking him down. "Oh, no! The Christmas ornaments are turning against us!"

"Nope, you just got pulse-waved by my latest invention, Attack Orbs," Leo says.

"Huh?" Adam says.

"When they perceive a threat within five feet of me, they attack," Leo explains. "They're mobile robotic bodyguards."

"Uh, impressive. But have you ever thought about just lifting weights or working out?" Adam says.

"I designed them to protect you guys from Douglas and Krane," Leo says. "If I'm gonna be a true inventor I have to start making things without Big D. And if I prove myself, maybe he'll eventually let me be his business partner."

"Right, 'cause every billionaire needs an incompetent relative who brings nothing to the table," Eddy says. Chase and I enter the lab.

"Speaking of..." Adam says.

"Hey, guys," Chase says.

"Chase, why are you attacking Leo?" Adam says.

"What?" Chase asks. Adam pushes Chase in front of Leo and the attack orbs reappear. Leo waves just as the orbs fire a laser at Chase, knocking him down. My eyes widen in shock and I place my hand over my mouth.

"Awesome!" Adam says, giving Leo a high five. But after he does so, the orbs fire a laser at him, also knocking him down. I nervously look at Leo and slowly start backing away.

"Do it again!" Adam shouts as I run out of the lab.


At Tech Town, while Bree and Chase were working, I walked into the store. "Hey, guys," I say.

"Cass, what are you doing here?" Bree asks.

"Well, I was bored at home so I decided to come to the mall but when I saw Blake and Kyle at the food court I wanted to come here," I say.

"Still trying to avoid them, huh?" Chase asks.

"Oh, yes," I say.

"Cass, we'd love to hang out but you know we're not allowed visitors while at work," Bree says.

"I know. I know. I won't be long just until Kyle and Blake leave." I say.

"Okay, fine," Bree says.

"Well, if it isn't my employee of the week and my weak employee," Scott says, walking up to Bree and Chase.

"Good one, Scott," Chase says. "It's funny 'cause she's bad at her job."

"Yeah, well, I mean, I'd be better at it but I have things that get in the way like friends and a life," Bree says.
Scott sees me.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Oh, I'm Cassie. Bree's younger sister and Chase's twin." I say.

"Chase's twin. Are you exactly like him?" Scott asks.

"Quite the opposite actually. I'm lazy, like to play video games, hate the color pink and I can eat an entire pizza in one sitting." I say. Scott looks at Chase.

"It's true," Chase says just as I let out a loud burp. Everyone gives me a weird look. Scott gets everyone's attention by whistling.

"Listen up, guys. It's time for Tech Town's annual design-your-own-app contest!" Scott says.

Lab Rats Season 3Where stories live. Discover now