Spike Fright

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"You double-crossed me for the last time, Flo! First, I catch you smuggling fish sticks in your pantyhose and then you think you can walk all over me just because you look debonair in a hairnet?" Perry snaps at one of the lunch ladies as she serves Bree her food. As Perry walks away, Flo dumps a big pile of mashed potatoes on Bree's plate which makes her back up so the food wouldn't splash all over her.

Bree pulls out a long strand of hair from her food. "Well, hmm, well, I guess the hairnet's just for show," Bree says. Flo just rolls her eyes while Bree throws the hair away in disgust and walks over to Adam, Chase, Leo, and me. "Okay, heads up, stay away from Principal Perry."

"Trust me, that's the first thing I tell myself every morning when I wake up," Leo says.

"Really? First thing I tell myself is shaving cream only looks like food." Adam says. Leo and I just gave him strange looks.

"What's the matter, Flo, nervous? You should be! One more mess up and I will take you out!" Perry shouts, making Leo give her a look. "What are you looking at?"

"You keep asking me that question and I'm still not sure I can give you an honest answer," Leo says.

"Mind your own business! If I wanted to be stared at all day I'd still be a catalog model for Burt's Chainsaw's." Perry says. She mimics the sound of a chainsaw and leaves, making us give her a weird look. When I looked at Adam, I noticed he was making weird faces.

"Adam, what are you doing? Why do you keep making faces like you're taking a selfie?" I ask him.

"'Cause that girl Sabrina has been checking me out," Adam says. A blonde girl who I assumed to be Sabrina gets up from her chair and walks over to our table. "Ooh, here she comes. Hey, Sabrina. I couldn't help but notice you staring at me from across the room."

"Actually, I was looking at Chase," Sabrina says.

"Oh, a sense of humor. I like it. So..." Adam says but Sabrina turns around and turns to Chase.

"Chase, I wanted to talk to you about our chemistry project," Sabrina says.

"Sure. I'll do it for you. Just give me your email and I'll send it to you when I'm done." Chase says.

"No, I want to do the project with you," Sabrina says, making Chase almost choke on his drink. "I need a partner and I was hoping you'd team up with me." Adam, Bree, Leo, and I look at Chase with stunned expressions.

"Uh..." Chase stammers.

"Chase, this is when you speak," I say.

"Um...yeah, yeah that sounds great. Um, meet at my house after school?" Chase says getting up from his seat.

"Perfect," Sabrina says with a smile before walking off.

"Wow, that was awesome!" Chase says. "No one's ever asked me to partner with them before. Especially a girl." Chase picks up his tray and leaves just as Adam pours ice cubes down his shirt.

"What'd you do that for?" Leo asks.

"I'm trying to wake myself up. If a girl likes Chase over me, this has to be a nightmare." Adam says.


"I can't believe how fast you're putting this molecular model together," Sabrina says as she and Chase work on their project in the living room.

"I can't believe you're still here," Chase says as Adam walks into the living room.

"You know what I like about you, besides being charming and funny?" Sabrina says.

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