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The reason why Yun Xingze took the initiative to make an appointment with Chi Yu was to dissolve this ridiculous marriage contract.

Chi Yu threatened him with divorce, and he followed his words.

Even if Chi Yu didn't mention it, Yun Xingze would take the initiative to speak.

Chi Yu sat opposite Yun Xingze, looking at him with an expression of disbelief. But this shock did not last long, and Chi Yu quickly realized what was going on.

Yun Xingze was making a temper with him.

Thinking about it this way, contempt flashed in Chi Yu's eyes, thinking that this guy had a new method again, and he dared to make jokes about repenting the marriage.

Yun Xingze couldn't understand Chi Yu's expression. It stands to reason that he shouldn't be happy, right? Why are you upset?

"If there is nothing wrong, let's do it for now." Yun Xingze stared at Chi Yu for a while, gave up reading his expression, and said, "You can leave now."

After speaking, Yun Xingze lowered his head and continued to eat dessert, with half a macaron in his left hand and a cup of hot milk tea in his right, completely drying Chi Yu aside.

Chi Yu looked at Yun Xingze's eyes with a little sympathy in his contempt.

I heard that some Omegas will use sweets to cover their sadness after falling out of love.

Now Yun Xingze's behavior seems to be indifferent, but it is actually a gluttony caused by excessive sadness.

"Eat less."

Chi Yu's voice seldom brought a bit of concern. He was afraid that Yun Xingze would be emotionally broken after eating for a while, and he burst into tears in public—not that Yun Xingze had never done this before.

Yun Xingze glanced at Chi Yu in confusion.

Seeing that Chi Yu had been staring at the dessert in his hand, he thought to himself, this guy would still want to have a loose meal, right?

"I'm hungry." Yun Xingze said concisely, then frowned slightly, "Aren't you leaving?"

"I didn't mean to insist on retiring. I said those words just now for your own good." Chi Yu looked at Yun Xingze and said earnestly, "If you can study hard, don't make trouble without reason, and learn more mechas in the military academy. Knowledge, don't cause me a lot of trouble, then I can still try to get along with you..."

Obviously, the original owner is taking care of Chi Yu every day, and his temper is because of the ambiguous relationship between Chi Yu and Su Zinan, but he said it so unbearable.

Yun Xingze felt that Chi Yu had some influence on his appetite, so he put down the macaron in his hand and said perfunctorily: "I can't change it."

Chi Yu felt that Yun Xingze was abandoning himself, breaking the jar. He frowned, thinking that this guy was hopeless, and snorted coldly: "Okay, then it's as you wish."

Yun Xingze's mood suddenly improved upon hearing this. He rushed to Chi Yu and smiled: "Walk slowly."

From the expression to the tone, to the gesture of picking up the dessert, there seems to be a message: he really doesn't care about Chi Yu.

This smile caused Chi Yu's heart to suddenly raise an unknown fire.

The Yun family was originally a wealthy mecha merchant, but recently there has been a wave of new mechas. The Yun family has not caught up with the opportunity, and the company's scale is getting smaller and smaller. It is in great need of the help of the Chi family.