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After Yun Xingze's communication with the Research Institute ended, he happened to receive a communication from Luo Wenchuan.

After picking it up, Yun Xingze saw Luo Wenchuan appear in a room that seemed low-key and revealing luxury.

He asked Luo Wenchuan: "Senior Dachuan, how are things going on your side?"

"It's going well." Luo Wenchuan nodded slightly, then raised the corners of his lips, "How about you?"

"My side is over too." Yun Xingze smiled, "I can go back tomorrow."

After hearing the words, Luo Wenchuan pondered for a moment and said, "I need a little more time tomorrow, maybe the end of the night. Tomorrow night... let's go together?"

Yun Xingze nodded, his tone expressing a bit of joy: "Okay."

"Also, tomorrow..." Luo Wenchuan suddenly turned, his tone became a little hesitant, and his expression became unnatural, "I have something to say to you."

Yun Xingze was slightly startled.

His heartbeat suddenly started to accelerate, as if he could guess what the other party was going to say, but he was not sure.

After a while, Yun Xingze swallowed and said, "I have something to tell you."

Luo Wenchuan's gaze fell on Yun Xingze's face.

Obviously separated by a light screen, but at this moment, they seemed to be standing in front of each other, and even the air became ambiguous.

After being silent for a while, Luo Wenchuan chuckled suddenly.

Yun Xingze scratched his head: "What are you laughing at?"

"I laughed at myself." Luo Wenchuan's tone was a little self-deprecating, "I have already begun to look forward to meeting tomorrow night. It seems that I don't need to sleep tonight."

Yun Xingze felt his heart beating like a disobedient rabbit, and his body temperature rose somewhat.

In his life, he has experienced the emotion of "shame" one of the few times in his life, and it turned out to be in front of Luo Wenchuan.

Yun Xingze looked at Luo Wenchuan's expectant eyes, and his heart was filled with joy.

Although the two of them didn't point out clearly, they could feel each other's feelings.

"I'm looking forward to it too." Yun Xingze curled the corner of his lips, and his white and handsome facial features became more and more attractive under the light, which made Luo Wenchuan feel lost for a moment.

After a while, Luo Wenchuan recovered, coughed softly, and said to Yun Xingze: "rest early in the evening."

"Okay." Yun Xingze looked at Luo Wenchuan with expectation in his tone, "See you tomorrow."

After the communication between the two was over, Yun Xingze went and took a brief wash.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Yun Changsheng's voice came: "Oh Xing, you open the door, and Dad will tell you something."

After Yun Xingze opened the door, he asked nonchalantly: "What's the matter?"

"Dad tells you a good news," Yun Changsheng smiled a little to please, "Tomorrow night, Dad will take you to the company and reward you with a newest dual-star mecha. It's worth 8 million!"

Yun Xingze raised his eyebrows to look at him: "Why, I refused the marriage contract, aren't you angry?"

"Hey, what am I angry with you, you are my precious son." Yun Changsheng reached out to touch Yun Xingze's hair, but was avoided.