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Zhuo Feiyue was also taken aback when he heard the words. He looked at Yun Xingze and asked curiously: "What do you think of, let's hear it."

Yun Xingze thought about it for a moment and asked Zhuo Feiyue: "Teacher Zhuo, I have a question. The lightsaber mecha is filled in the registration information. Then, during the competition, to what extent can the mecha be modified?"

"As long as it is modified on the basis of the original mecha, it can't be used except for weapons of mass destruction, and it can be modified anyway." Zhuo Feiyue thought for a while and replied.

The school's regulations seem to be loose. In fact, the interval between each game is very short. It is difficult for the players to make huge changes on the basis of the original mecha.

"Then what if I modify it like this..."

Yun Xingze leaned into Zhuo Feiyue's ear and whispered his idea.

Zhuo Feiyue laughed and listened to him at first. When he listened to his thoughts, his eyes widened and he said in amazement: "Yun Xingze, are you crazy? How can you change it like this, it's too dangerous!"

The Alpha girl next to him also looked at Yun Xingze with surprise: "Are you sure you can successfully refit? This span is too big, it is not a joke, and it is difficult for ordinary people to control after refitting, which requires mental power control. Very high."

Zhuo Feiyue frowned and added: "Indeed, not only must you have a strong mental power control, you also need a wealth of modification experience. Now you can only use lightsaber mechas, and the modification ability is not that level, don't be capricious!"

After listening to them, Yun Xingze couldn't help but curl his lips: "How can I know if I don't try?"

He lacks everything, only the ability to modify and mental control.

"I'll talk to you first," Zhuo Feiyue looked at him seriously, "If there is any problem with the mecha after the modification, you are not allowed to continue the next game. Safety first."

Yun Xingze said seriously: "It won't fail."

Zhuo Feiyue looked at him with suspicious eyes-where did this kid come from?

After the three of them talked, Yun Xingze had decided, and the expressions of the other two were not very optimistic.

Zhuo Feiyue noticed Luo Wenchuan who was holding the cat not far away, smiled at him, and walked over and asked: "Yo, Xiao Luo, why haven't you left yet? I like this cat so much?"

Luo Wenchuan lowered his head, and the motion in his hand paused for a second, but Yun Xingze did not see his expression.

He was wearing a school uniform, the cat rubbed his arms, the orange hair and the dark blue fabric set off each other, looking warm and cute-if you ignore his iceberg face.

Yun Xingze had been immersed in his own thinking just now. At this moment, he looked at the tall boy under the cherry blossom tree and the cat in his arms, and he felt that Luo Wenchuan like this did not look so scary-at least not as rumored. The fear of O madness in China.

Luo Wenchuan glanced at the cat's paw and saw that the blood had stopped, he bent over and placed it on the ground, gently rubbing the top of its head with his slender white fingers.

The cat turned around and rubbed his head, then quickly jumped into the bushes and disappeared.

"Let's go." Luo Wenchuan said to Zhuo Feiyue, his tone was light, and then he turned and left.

"I have to thank him..." Yun Xingze whispered, "If I didn't bump into him to save the cat at this time, I wouldn't have thought I could do this modification."