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Luo Wenchuan stood beside Yun Xingze, listening to the people's argument, and suddenly noticed that Yun Xingze had moved a step back quietly and hid in the corner.

It seems that I am trying to reduce my sense of existence.

Luo Wenchuan's aftermath stayed on Yun Xingze for a moment, and an imperceptible suspicion flashed under his eyes, but he quickly narrowed his eyes.

After the check-in procedure was over, Luo Wenchuan turned around and looked at Yun Xingze, with a gentle voice: "Let's go."

Yun Xingze reacted after a while and nodded hurriedly.

The other three military academies have almost fought to argue over this issue.

The argument was fruitless, but it aroused their curiosity about "I am so weak", and they wished to find this guy to confront him on the spot.

"You were in a daze just now, what were you thinking about?" Luo Wenchuan asked casually while helping Yun Xingze with his luggage.

Yun Xingze said calmly: "I just listened to them discussing the game, and I was fascinated."

"I had a PK with the person called'I'm so weak,' and his strength is just average." Luo Wenchuan said calmly, "Not as mysterious as they said, and fell with two punches."

When Yun Xingze heard this, he was immediately dissatisfied, and was about to say "I have beaten you". When he said that, he swallowed and cleared his throat: "Cough, are you. But they are all there." Compliment him, saying that he has never lost." There is a small smug in his tone.

Luo Wenchuan glanced at Yun Xingze with deep meaning, and said without hesitation: "Then he specifies to open it."

Yun Xingze was stunned, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable, and replied, "If the mecha is opened well, it will be opened?"

Luo Wenchuan stared at Yun Xingze for a few seconds.

Yun Xingze felt that his performance might be too obvious, and then said: "I mean, a player like him, in reality, he must be a 3S-level expert, how can he hang up?"

Luo Wenchuan gave a faint "Oh", Yun Xingze was not sure whether he believed what he said.

So Yun Xingze added another sentence: "And he must be a steel fierce A."

"Steel fierce A..." Luo Wenchuan looked back at him, and a question came out lightly, "The name is'I'm so weak'?"

At this time, everyone entered the elevator ladder, and what Luo Wenchuan said was also heard by other members of the Xinghai school team.

Yun Xingze said in his heart, I am essentially a steel hunk, so there is no doubt about this!

"That's hard to say, some Alphas are just like this." At this moment, Olier on the side interrupted, "The more cute the ID, the harder the fight."

"That's true," Ke Lei nodded in agreement, "and that'I am so weak' has such a bad character, it is unlikely that it is Omega or Ba."

Luo Wenchuan did not speak when he heard the words, pursing his thin lips, his eyes fell on Yun Xingze for a moment and then moved away.

Yun Xingze was relieved.

Because the next day was the game, Richard and the coaching staff called the school team members for a meeting.

The order of appearance of each player has been reported. Unless there is an accidental injury or death, a substitute can be used. Otherwise, the players and order shall not be changed.

The NCLM Organizing Committee sent the players' match lists to the mailboxes of the coaches half an hour ago.

In the conference room provided by the hotel, Richard said solemnly: "Tomorrow is destined to be a fierce battle. Everyone must be refreshed and cannot relax. Especially the members of the team competition..."