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Lu Ranxu held back the pain and gasped slightly. He looked at Su Zinan and suddenly sneered: "What if I win, can your performance score exceed 0.5?"

The points of the Mecha Contest are composed of winning points and performance points. After each game is won, 10 points of winning and losing points are obtained. According to the performance of the game, a number of referees will give performance points between 0 and 1.

In other words, after ten games, up to 110 points can be earned. However, because the evaluation of performance points is very complicated, it will be judged based on various factors such as the length of the battle, the degree of damage to the mecha, and the strength of the opponent, so there is generally no full score.

A performance score of 0.7 or higher is a relatively good result.

And Su Zinan's battle this time was longer, and the opponent's level was lower than him. The most important thing was that his mecha was hit by Lu Ranxu in multiple parts, leaving deep and shallow bullet marks. Therefore, the performance score is basically impossible to be higher than 0.5.

Su Zinan looked at the damage marks left on her Meteor Mech, gritted her teeth and turned into anger. She rushed to Lu Ranxu and said, "Just because you dare to say this? I have won four games in a row. It is a no-brainer to join the school team. It's just a little bit of performance, do you think it will affect me?"

Lu Ranxu was seriously injured and was about to be unable to hold on, and fell to his knees with a "plop". The referee hurriedly called for medical robots and medical staff to carry him into the backstage lounge and give him first aid.

Su Zinan puts away the mecha, enters the backstage, walks to Lu Ranxu, who has a pale face, looks at him condescendingly, and slowly says, "Are you okay, Lu Xuedi? Don't do this next time because you are jealous of your opponent. If you don't have the strength, you will probably be the one who will hurt you."

Lu Ranxu was so angry that he looked at Su Zinan bitterly: "You'd better pray that you don't meet Xingze, I want to see how far someone like you can go!"

"Yun Xingze?" Su Zinan chuckled softly when he heard the words, "Is that the one who failed the entrance examination, was returned by his fiance, was rejected by his family, and yelled that it was the **** that I stole from him?"

Lu Ranxu said angrily: "He has made a lot of progress, and he took the initiative to dissolve the engagement! Su Zinan, shut up!"

"It's really a touching friendship." Su Zinan sneered, "Don't worry, if I meet Yun Xingze, I won't pity Yu Yu like Karebo. Then again, why does Karebo give him water? "

Speaking of this, Su Zinan chuckled lightly, pretending to be innocent and cute: "Is there any deal between them?"

Lu Ranxu became angry: "You think everyone is like you! Keep your mouth clean!"

Seeing Lu Ranxu's emotions, the medical staff frowned and stopped Su Zinan's cynicism.

At this moment, Yun Xingze also rushed to the backstage. He witnessed what Su Zinan had done, strode up, frowning and said coldly: "Get out of the way."

Su Zinan wanted to say something, Yun Xingze broke his fingers, his voice was bitterly cold: "If you don't leave, I don't mind slapping you again."

Su Zinan remembered the humiliation of being beaten in the office, and his face turned very gloomy. He gritted his teeth and said: "Yun Xingze, you'd better pray not to meet me in the game." After speaking, he turned angrily and left.

Yun Xingze ignored him, frowned and looked at Lu Ranxu, who was lying on the bed in the break room for infusion. For a while, he didn't know whether to blame him for being stupid, or to be grateful for him to stand up for himself.